SCP-106, also known as Corporal Lawrence and The Old Man, is a supporting antagonist in the SCP Mythos. He is a Keter-class humanoid SCP object contained by the SCP Foundation. He also appears as the secondary antagonist of the video game SCP: Containment Breach and its remake. In Containment Breach, he was voiced by an uncredited Mark J. Hadley, who also voiced the Slender Man in Slender. |
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PE proposal: Scarecrow (Batman Unchained) from Batman UnchainedI have always felt like this unpublished villain has a shot at being PE. Well now, we're going to get started.
Pure Evil Proposal: Black Falcon from LEGO: The Piece of ResistanceWassup, got my first unpublished PE candidate here. I have nothing else to say so, let's get onto it!
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