This file contains one or more legible stereograms, but is not itself formatted for 3D viewing. (It might be possible to extract pure stereograms from this file for more convenient viewing. Please see the guidelines covering overwriting.) Stereograms are stereoscopic images or animations which combine left and right frames showing slightly different visual angles to allow for 3D perception.
The stereogram uses the side-by-side parallel-view method. The left frame shows the left eye's perspective, and the right frame the right eye's perspective. It might be possible to view this image without a viewing device by diverging your eyes to visually combine the frames, or a stereoscope may be used.
English: Stereo card with photo of the moon, published in 1897. Parallel.
Stereo published in 1897 by T. W. Ingersoll, photographed by Prof. Rutherford
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{{Information |Description ={{en|1=Stereo card with photo of the moon, published in 1897. Parallel. }} |Source =Stereo published in 1897 by T. W. Ingersoll, photographed by Prof. Rutherford |Author =Scanned by John Alan Elson |Date