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Autor Rob Savoye
Aktualna wersja stabilna 0.8.0
System operacyjny wieloplatformowy
Rodzaj odtwarzacz multimedialny
Licencja GNU General Public License
Strona internetowa

Gnash (ang. The GNU Flash Player) jest projektem, którego celem jest stworzenie odtwarzacza i plug-inu do przeglądarek dla formatu Adobe Flash, który będzie wolnym oprogramowaniem. ma on zastąpić zamknięty Adobe Flash Player.



Writing a free software Flash player has been a priority of the GNU project for some time. Before the launch of Gnash, the GNU project asked for people to assist the GPLFlash project. However, now the majority of the previous GPLFlash developers have moved across to the Gnash project and the existing GPLFlash codebase will be refocused towards supporting embedded systems[1].

Napisanie wolnego odtwarzacza Flash było jednym z priorytetów projektu GNU. Przed stworzeniem Gnasha, Projekt GNU prosił o pomoc przy projekcie GPLFlash. Obecnie większość dawnych deweloperów GPLFlash przeszło do projektu Gnash.

Gnash was started using the codebase of the GameSWF project, which is in the public domain. The primary distribution terms for Gnash are those of the GNU General Public License, but code developed by the Gnash project which might be useful in GameSWF will be placed in the public domain.[2]

Na początku Gnash używał kodu projektu GameSWF, który był na licencji? public domain.

The project was first announced by software developer John Gilmore. Its main developer is Rob Savoye.

Projekt został zainicjowany przez Johna Gilmore'a. Głównym deweloperem jest Rob Savoye.

Szczegóły techniczne


Gnash requires either AGG, Cairo, or OpenGL for rendering. In contrast to most GNU projects, which are typically written in C, Gnash is written in the C++ programming language.

Gnash wymaga AGG, Cairo lub OpenGL do renderowania. W przeciweństwie do większości projektów GNU, które są napisane w C, Gnash jest napisany w C++.

Adobe provides an official player for Linux on x86 in a binary-only form. It does not support Linux users with other processor architectures.[3] Gnash on the other hand can be compiled and executed on many architectures, including x86, AMD64, MIPS/Irix, and PowerPC. It also supports the BSD based operating systems.

An early port exists for RISC OS, which has never had Macromedia/Adobe Flash support,[4] and an early port for BeOS, where support terminated at Version 4.[5]

Wczesna wersja Gnasha istniała dla RISC OS, który nigdy nie wspierał Macromedia/Adobe Flash i dla BeOS, gdzie wsparcie zakończyło się na wersji 4.

'Flash' actually consists of two different file types, SWF, often just referred to as 'Flash', which provides animated vector graphics for menus and presentations, and FLV, often referred to as 'Flash Video', which provides streaming video clips for websites such as YouTube.

Aktualnie "Flash" składa się z dwóch różnych typów plików: SWF, często nazywane "Flash", który zapewnia? animowane grafiki wektorowe dla menu i prezentacji; FLV, często nazywane "Flash Video", który dostarcza? strumienie wideoklipów na stronach www, np. YouTube.

Currently, Gnash can play SWF files, up to version 7, and some features of the new SWF 8–9 files. Gnash supports playback of FLV videos and allows playing FLV files from YouTube, Myspace, ShowMeDo and other similar websites. FLV support requires FFmpeg or GStreamer to be installed on the system.[6]

Obecnie Gnash obsługuje pliki SWF do wersji 7 i część cech wersji 8 i 9. Gnash wspiera odczytywanie plików FLV i pozwala na odtwarzanie plików z YouTube, Myspace i innych podobnych stron. Wsparcie FLV wymaga FFmpeg lub GStreamera zainstalowanego w systemie.

Most other free software Flash players can only render version 4 (or lower) SWF files.[7] Some other free-software programs, such as MPlayer[8], VLC[9] or Windows players based on the ffdshow DirectShow codecs can playback the FLV format if the file is specially downloaded or piped to it.

The goal of the Gnash developers is to be as much compatible as possible to the proprietary player (including behavior on bad ActionScript code). However, Gnash offers some special features not available in the Adobe player. For example, it is possible to extend the ActionScript classes via shared libraries. Sample extensions include MySQL support, file system access and more. For security reasons the extension mechanism must be compiled-in explicitly and enabled via configuration files.

Anti-Grain Geometry


Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG) is a high-quality 2D rendering engine for The X Window System and Microsoft Windows. It is under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or greater. It is one of the renderers available for use in GNU's Gnash flash player.

Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG) jest wysokiej jakości silnikiem renderującym grafikę 2D dla X Window System i Microsoft Windows. Jest udostępniony na licencji GNU General Public License 2 lub wyższej. Jest jednym z silników wykorzystywanych przez Gnash.