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Ochinko Poro is one of the gacha prizes from Gacha Gacha Island. He was the fifth to be won by Chinpy and Kusopp.[1]


Ochinko Poro is a naked middle-aged man.


Chin Piece[]

Ochinko Poro was inside the gacha machine on Gacha Gacha Island when he was won by Chinpy and Kusopp. He later participated in the free-for-all caused by Kusunoa-kun, falling unconscious by the end.[1]

He was later asked by Eunkov to act in their movie, but left when they revealed that the cast wouldn't be paid.[2]


  • Ochinko Poro's name literally translates to "Penis Poro".


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Chin Piece Manga — Vol. 1 Chapter 2, Ochinko Poro debuts.
  2. Chin Piece Manga — Vol. 2 Chapter 8.

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