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Hans is a cook who runs a restaurant on an unnamed island.[2] He temporarily worked at Sanji's Pirates Restaurant as a server and was an ally of the Straw Hat Pirates during the 2023 show.[1]


Hans Portrait

A close-up of Hans' face.

Hans is an average-sized man with medium-length brown hair. He wears a white button-up shirt with a pink collar and cuffs, a navy blue apron with pink patterning around his waist, pink bellbottom pants, black suspenders, and black shoes.[1]


Hans is a chipper person, always hoping to please the restaurant's guests, regardless of their affiliation. His strong desire to meet guests' needs can make him adamant, insisting that he will help his guests even if they are disinterested.

He is unafraid of pirates or the Marines and despite assisting the Straw Hat Pirates, he still wanted to help Smoker feel better about not catching them.[1]

Abilities and Powers[]

As a cook and the owner of a restaurant, Hans presumably has some skill in both cooking and business management.[2]


Sanji's Pirates Restaurant 2023[]

Luffy and Hans Face Smoker

Luffy and Hans see Smoker approaching the restaurant.

When the Straw Hat Pirates stopped on an island rich in high-quality ingredients, Sanji wanted to run a temporary restaurant, and approached Hans to rent out his existing business. Hans accepted, and worked as a server during Sanji's time in charge.[2]

Hans met and befriended Luffy and Zoro while working as a server for Sanji. When Law visited the restaurant, Hans insisted on giving him a larger parfait against the pirate's wishes. He also shined Law's shoes.

Smoker arrived at the restaurant in pursuit of the Straw Hat Pirates. Hans offered to distract the Marine for them so they could escape. When Smoker failed to capture the crew, Hans attempted to console him.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 One Piece Live Shows — Sanji's Pirates Restaurant 2023, Hans meets Luffy and Zoro and helps them escape from Smoker.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 One Piece Magazine Vol.17 (p. 161), The Sanji's Pirates Restaurant 2023 event is described.

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