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Bestand:Werner Haberkorn - Gloria - Rio de Janeiro.jpg

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Estádio Mário Filho- Rio de Janeiro  wikidata:Q53136467 reasonator:Q53136467
Werner Haberkorn  (1907–1997)  wikidata:Q16941108
Werner Haberkorn
Beschrijving Braziliaans ingenieur, zakenpersoon en fotograaf
Geboorte- en sterfdatum 12 maart 1907 Bewerk dit op Wikidata juli 1997 Bewerk dit op Wikidata
Geboorte- en sterfplaats Mysłowice Bewerk dit op Wikidata São Paulo Bewerk dit op Wikidata
Bibliografische informatie
creator QS:P170,Q16941108
 Bewerk dit op Wikidata
image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page
Estádio Mário Filho- Rio de Janeiro
label QS:Len,"Estádio Mário Filho- Rio de Janeiro"
label QS:Lpt-br,"Estádio Mário Filho - Rio de Janeiro"
label QS:Lpt,"Estádio Mário Filho - Rio de Janeiro"
Soort object foto / fotoalbum Bewerk dit op Wikidata
Techniek droge gelatineplaatprocedé en fotopapier Bewerk dit op Wikidata
Afmetingen hoogte: 6,4 cm Bewerk dit op Wikidata; breedte: 8,1 cm Bewerk dit op Wikidata
dimensions QS:P2048,+6.4U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,+8.1U174728
institution QS:P195,Q371803
1-22301-0006-0010 (Museu Paulista) Bewerk dit op Wikidata
Place of creation Brazilië Bewerk dit op Wikidata
Referenties Museu Paulista-identificatiecode voor iconografie: gloria-rio-de-janeiro-2 Bewerk dit op Wikidata


Português: Obra que integra o acervo do Museu Paulista da USP. Coleção Werner Haberkorn
Bron Museu Paulista
Auteur Werner Haberkorn/Fotolabor/Museu Paulista da USP
(Hergebruik van dit bestand)
Public domain
This work is in the public domain both in Brazil and in the United States because it was first published in Brazil (and not published in the U.S. within 30 days) and if it was copyrightable, it was first published before 1 March 1989 without complying with U.S. copyright formalities, such as copyright notice and it is one of the following:

  • A work whose author died before 1936;
  • An anonymous work or a work deemed to be anonymous, or a work by a collective person whose authors were not individually identified, published or disclosed before 1936;
  • Photographic works not considered to be "artistic creations" produced before 20 June 1998. (Includes documentary photography in general (commercial or not), as well as non-artistic photographic portraits. See here for some guidance on this);
  • Cinematographic, phonographic, photographic and applied arts works completed before 1936.

For background information, see the explanations on Non-U.S. copyrights.
As of 1 January 1996, were in the public domain in Brazil: Works whose author died before 1936; anonymous works, works deemed to be anonymous, or works by a collective person whose authors were not individually identified, first published or disclosed before 1936; all photographic works, and works deemed to be photographic works, which by choice of object and execution conditions couldn't be considered an artistic creation; work published or commissioned by a Brazilian government (federal, state, or municipal) prior to 1983; cinematographic, phonographic, photographic and applied arts works completed before 1936. Non artistic photographs continued entering the public domain until 20 June 1998 (not included), when Law 9.610 came into effect, 120 days after publication (pub. 20 Feb 1998).

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huidige versie14 mei 2018 10:32Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 14 mei 2018 10:321.117 × 758 (835 kB)Ederportopattypan 18.02

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