
"The Semi-Final Frontier!" is the 189th and antepenultimate episode of Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl, and the 657th episode of Pokémon the Series. It first aired in Japan on August 26, 2010, and in the United States on January 22, 2011. In this episode, Ash Ketchum battled Tobias in the semifinals of the Lily of the Valley Conference.


After his big victory over Paul, Ash Ketchum discovers that his next match is against the strongest contender in the entire Sinnoh League, Tobias, who has easily won every battle, to reach the semifinals using only his Mythical Pokémon Darkrai, who is able to easily take out Ash's Heracross, Torkoal and Gible using its Dark Void, Ice Beam, Dream Eater and Dark Pulse attacks. Ash brings out Sceptile, which manages to defeat Darkrai using Leaf Blade. This becomes the very first time for Tobias to have lost a single Pokémon, up to the semifinals in the Sinnoh League. Tobias surprises everyone with his second Pokémon, the Legendary Pokémon Latios, who defeats Sceptile with Giga Impact. Ash sends out Swellow, only to be defeated by Latios's Luster Purge very quickly. Ash's final Pokémon is Pikachu. After a long battle, both Pikachu and Latios are declared unable to battle. With all 6 of his Pokémon eliminated, and being able to defeat only 2 of Tobias's Pokémon, Ash loses the battle. Tobias wins the final battle, with just Darkrai, and wins the Sinnoh League. Elsewhere, Paul watches the battle on television and walks away saddened by the outcome.

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