
Takayuki Shimamura is a Deputy General Manager at Nintendo EPD Department. He is mostly known for his work on the Wii Sports series along Yoshikazu Yamashita.


Initially, Shimamura started in Capcom assisting on the GameCube port of Resident Evil, but later he joined Nintendo EAD to help develop Nintendogs, as well as the unrelased Stage Debut.

He directed the golf and bowling games on Wii Sports. Aftwerwards, he was transferred for four months to SPD to work on Flash Focus, but he returned to EAD with Wii Sports Resort. He also directed Nintendo Land (where he also worked on the Metroid Blast game) and Wii Sports Club. He became a co-producer of EPD with Miitopia, where he has assisted Kouichi Kawamoto with production ever since.

Game Works[]

Special Thanks[]

