Melia SummonEarth

The icon of Summon Earth as seen in Xenoblade Chronicles.

Summon Earth is one of Melia's Ether Arts in Xenoblade Chronicles. It is a support art that will increase Melia's and her allies' physical defence by 15% as long as it is kept summoned. Melia can sacrifice this buff with Elemental Discharge in order to inflict a target with poison.


Learnt Attribute Target Hits Range Aggro
Level 47 Ether Nearby Allies N/A 10 meters N/A


Level AP Cost Power Cooldown
1 N/A 0.60 90.0 s
2 400 0.66 85.5 s
3 800 0.72 81.0 s
4 1,600 0.78 76.5 s
5 3,200 0.84 72.0 s
6 4,800 0.90 67.5 s
7 7,200 0.96 63.0 s
8 10,400 1.02 58.5 s
9 14,400 1.08 54.0 s
10 19,200 1.14 49.5 s



The intermediate books are only found in shops for 15,000 G.


Advanced art books are only available from enemy drops.

Enemy Level Area Drop rates
Serene Imlaly 76 Prison Island 7.7 %
Flailing Bracken 73 Colony 9 2.1 %
Vagabond Allocer 63 Agniratha 1.0 %
Splendid Botis 58 Fallen Arm 0.4 %
Bagrus Nebula 96 Makna Forest 8.8 %
Throne Sardi 70 - 72 Colony 9 2.1 %
Carbon Tude 88 Eryth Sea 2.1 %
Offensive/FOUND 58 Central Factory 0.7 %
M37/ZEBRA 54 Mechonis Field 0.6 %