
Michael Haigney (born 1966) is an American voice actor, voice director, and English-language adaptation writer who was one of the original voice actors of 4Kids Entertainment for its dub of Pokémon the Series and other Pokémon-related media.

Credited Nintendo roles[]

Year Title Role
1998-2006 Pokémon the Series Blaine, Snorlax, Charmander and various Pokémon
1999-present Super Smash Bros. Snorlax, Koffing, Charmander
1999 Pokémon Snap Charmander, Muk, Koffing, Snorlax, Kangaskhan
2000 Pokémon Puzzle League Blaine, Geodude, Psyduck, Cloyster, Dewgong, Hitmonchan, Charmeleon
2003 Pokémon Channel Various Pokémon