
Kanto is a region in the Pokémon series and is the main region in first generation and their remakes and a secondary region in the second generation and their remakes.

It is located east of Johto and has many of the same Berries, but no Apricorns. It is also located above Hoenn, and below Sinnoh.

Cities and towns[]

There are ten major cities in Kanto.

Town name Gym Leader
Pallet Town N/A
Viridian City Giovanni
Pewter City Brock
Cerulean City Misty
Vermilion City Lt. Surge
Lavender Town N/A
Celadon City Erika
Fuchsia City Koga
Saffron City Sabrina
Cinnabar Island Blaine

Areas of interest[]

An interactive map is found here (work in progress): Map:Kanto


Routes in Kanto go from 1 to 25 in, but adding three routes to were added with the Gold and Silver game to connect them with Johto (26, 27, and 28).

Super Smash Bros.[]

Saffron City in Super Smash Bros. takes place in Saffron City in Kanto. The Pokémon Stadium stages in Super Smash Bros. Melee, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl all take place in the Kanto region.

External links[]

Kanto region
Cities and Towns
Pallet TownViridian CityPewter CityCerulean CityVermilion CityLavender Town
Celadon CitySaffron CityFuchsia CityCinnabar IslandIndigo Plateau (Indigo League)
Professor Oak's LaboratoryViridian ForestDiglett's CavePewter Museum of Science
Mt. Moon (Square) • Seagallop FerriesCerulean CaveUnderground Path (Routes 5-6)
Underground Path (Routes 7-8)S.S. AnneS.S. AquaCerulean CapeRock Tunnel
Power PlantCycling RoadRocket HideoutSilph Co.Magnet TrainPokémon Tower
Safari Zone/Pal Park/GO ParkSeafoam IslandsPokémon MansionVictory RoadTohjo Falls
Kanto Map