
Chibi-Robo, is the titular main protagonist of the Chibi-Robo! series, which consists of five titles (six including a Japan-exclusive Wii remake of the original game). Chibi-Robo is a line of robots that serve the family that purchased them. There are thousands of Chibi-Robos in the game's universe, though the player takes control of only one. He runs on rechargeable batteries that it can upgrade to hold more (and eventually infinite) electricity. He is assisted by Telly Vision who gives Chibi-Robo advice on how to earn Happy Points in the original game.


During the course of the games, Chibi-Robo will come in possession of a variety of tools that will help him tidy up the house and dispatch of alien robots as well as find secret areas. Each game has different tools, though some return from previous iterations. The tools the player had in the original game and its Wii remake include:

  • Chibi-Copter: This is a tool you'll begin the game with. It's primary purpose is to gently float down to the ground, as if you drop too quickly the Chibi-Robo will faint. It uses the same amount of power as walking.
  • Toothbrush: The toothbrush is Chibi-Robo's main cleaning utensil. When the player finds a patch of dirt or something else that needs scrubbing, they can press the A button when Chibi-Robo is holding the brush to make him scrub the floor.
  • Chibi-Blaster: Use this to shoot down enemies and find secret areas.
  • Spoon: The Spoon is used to dig holes in dirt and occasionally bury something.
  • Squirter: Will eject liquid, though its effect varies depending on what type of liquid is inserted into it.
  • Chibi-Radar: Will allow the player to detect secret areas.
  • Mug: Shields the player from Spydorz and other harmful things.

Other Appearances[]

Super Smash Bros. series[]

Chibi-Robo appears as both a trophy and three stickers in the Wii video game Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Chibi-Robo appears as a trophy along with a Chibi-Tot in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U (only in the 3DS version).

Chibi-Robo appears in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a Mii costume for the Mii Gunner, Chibi-Robo also appears as a advanced primary grab spirit. It's battle is on the Living Room stage against a tiny Mii Gunner with the Chibi-Robo costume who has increased powers on energy attacks and takes serious damage after a little while, a Nintendogs appears as a hostile assist trophy during in the battle. At level 99, the spirit can be enhanced to Super Chibi-Robo, an ace spirit that increases the user's power on throwning items.

Trophy description (Brawl)[]

A tiny, independently operating robot that helps keep a household happy. Chibi-Robo stands roughly 4 inches tall. The mere sight of the brave Chibi-Robo working to solve the problems of the Sanderson family is awe inspiring. When he lights up red, it's a sign that his battery is nearly gone. If Chibi-Robo doesn't find an outlet to plug in his cord tail, he'll collapse.

Trophy description (3DS)[]

North American version

Chibi-Robo, from the not-too-distant future, travels back in time to collect NostalJunk. Use your Nintendo 3DS system's cameras to take pictures of real objects, and send them to the museum. Life's pretty good as a Chibi-Robo...until your battery runs out.

European version

Chibi-Robo's back from the not-too-distant future to collect NostalJunk! He needs to fill the museum with all sorts of stuff you can find out in the real world. Since that's where YOU are, why don't you give him a hand by taking pictures of those things with your Nintendo 3DS system's camera? It'll be an adventure for both of you!
