
Bakemon is a Champion Level Digimon who's literately a ghost. His name comes from the mythological Obake, and the word monster. Its fights with electricity or magical power, because its physical strength is weak.

Nintendo Games[]

Digimon World DS[]

Bakemon digivolves from Goblimon. Bakemon also appears in Chrome Mine.  

Digimon World Dawn & Dusk[]

Bakemon Digivolves from Tsukaimon  at LV 19 with 420 dark exp and to Phantomon . He also appears in the Thriller Ruins. Bakemon is Dark Type.

Digimon Battle Spirit[]

Bakemon appears as a field enemy in the "Digimon Emperor's Lair" level.

Digimon Story: Lost Evolution[]

Bakemon digivolves from DemiDevimon and can digivolve into Phantomon. Wild ones can be found in the South Cave.


  • Zombie Claw (Hell's Hand)
  • Evil Charm (Death Charm): Casts a death spell on the opponent which is said to bring annihilation within five turns. This technique is not possessed by Bakemon of File Island.