Date and Time of the Query: 2025-03-12 T15:13:39 PDT
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Parameters for Distances and Cosmology: Ho= 73.0; Ωmatter = 0.27; Ωvacuum = 0.73;
Derived Quantities use a Redshift corrected to a Reference Frame defined by the 3K CMB

NED results for object NGC 3550*

4 objects found in NED.    


Object list is sorted on Distance to search center

 Row          Object Name                 EquJ2000.0       Object  Velocity/Redshift    Mag./  Separ.               Number of                                 Row 
 No.     (* => Essential Note)       RA               DEC  Type     km/s       z   Qual Filter arcmin Refs Notes Phot Posn Vel/z Diam Assoc Images   Spectra  No. 
1    NGC 3550 NED02                 11h10m38.4s +28d46m03s G       10430  0.034792 SLS  14.3g    ...    34     0   52   12     9    7     0 Retrieve Retrieve 1   
2    NGC 3550 NED01                 11h10m38.6s +28d46m04s G       10379  0.034621 SUN  14.2     ...    15     0    0    3     2    0     0 Retrieve Retrieve 2   
3    NGC 3550                       11h10m38.6s +28d46m07s GPair   10325  0.034440 SUN   ...     ...    59     3   31    9    21    5     0 Retrieve Retrieve 3   
4    2MASS J11103875+2846082        11h10m38.7s +28d46m08s G       10379  0.034622 SLS  15.1g    ...     8     0   42    6     2    6     0 Retrieve Retrieve 4   

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