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Опис Eastern Hemisphere in 200 BC.
Извор self-made (For reference information, see below)
Автор Thomas Lessman (Contact!)
(Повторно користење на податотекава)
Јас, праводржецот на ова дело, со ова го објавувам истото под следнава лиценца:
w:mk:Криејтив комонс
наведи извор сподели под исти услови
  • да споделите – да го умножувате, распространувате и емитувате делото
  • да преработувате – да преработувате
Под следните услови:
  • наведи извор – Ќе мора да дадете прикладен припис, да ставите врска до лиценцата и да укажете дали има направено промени. Ова може да биде направено на било кој разумен начин, но без да оддава впечаток дека лиценцодавецот стои зад Вас и Вашата употреба.
  • сподели под исти услови – Ако го измените или преобразите делото, или пак ако основате друго дело на него, добиеното дело (придонесот) морате да го распространувате (објавувате) само под истата или складна лиценца на изворната.
Други верзии see East-Hem_200bc_web-sm.jpg file history on Wikipedia.

Map Summary

Original Source URL: http://www.thomaslessman.com/History/images/East-Hem_200bc.jpg.

This map of the Eastern Hemisphere in 200 BC was created by Thomas Lessman, based on information from the sources listed below. This map is free for educational use (see Permission info above). When using this map, please mention that it is available for free at www.WorldHistoryMaps.info.

Map Source References

  • Remember, sources often conflict with each other. This map is only as accurate as the information that is available to me. To report any errors or to help further this work, please click here, or email Thomas Lessman at talessman@yis.us

References for information contained in this map:

I - European information is derived from:

Greece and Macedonia borders are shown in The DK Atlas of World History, 2000 Edition; map of Greece in 200 BCE; (Pg. 179)
Roman Republic borders derive from The DK Atlas of World History, 2000 Edition; maps of:
1. 1st & 2nd Punic Wars (pg 179)
2. Roman Conquests to 120 BC (pg 179), which also shows Roman territory c. 200 BC.

II - Asian information is derived from:

Central and Northern Asia including the Steppes are derived from this map of the Northern Borders of the Steppes, 174 BC, available on Huhai.net.
Albani, Apasiacae, Chiang, Dingling, Donghu, Hsin-li, Hu-chieh, Hun-yu, Saceans/Scythians, Tocharian/Yuezhi, Wusun, Xiongnu/Hsiung-nu
Chinese (Han) borders are derived from:
1. Wikimedia's map of the Qin empire 210 BCE.png, and from
2. The DK Atlas of World History, 2000 Edition; map of The Han Empire; (Page 260)
South Asia/India, including: Mauryan Empire, Cholas, Kalinga, Kerala, Pandyas, and Satiyaputra, are derived from this map of India in 250 BC[мртва врска].
Korean and Manchurian information derives from User:Historiographer's map of History_of_Korea-108BC. (Note: The borders were similar 100 years prior.)
Buyeo, Gojoseon, Jin, Yemaek, Yilou
Nan-Yue/Nam Viet borders are derived from The DK Atlas of World History, 2000 Edition; map of The Han Empire; (Page 260)
Seleucid Empire borders derive from this map of the Seleucid Empire[мртва врска] and from the Wikipedia article on Antiochus III the Great.

III - African Information is derived from:

1. Wikimedia's map of the World 200 BCE, created by User:Javierfv1212.
Bantu Tribes, Khoisan Pastoral Farmers, Saharan Pastoral Nomads
2. The DK Atlas of World History, 2000 Edition; map of The World in 250 BCE; (Pg 38)
Axum, Bantu Tribes, Cushites, Nilotic Peoples
3. The DK Atlas of World History, 2000 Edition; map of Berber states in North Africa; (Page 161):
Carthage, Mauretania, Numidia, Ptolemaic Empire.
4. The DK Atlas of World History, 2000 Edition; map of The development of complex societies in Africa; (Page 160):
Garamantes, Gur, Kwa, Mandes, Nok, Khoisan Peoples, West Atlantic Peoples

Note: Much of the information in this map was cross-checked with Bruce Gordon's Regnal Chronologies.

Other Maps by Thomas Lessman

Maps of the eastern hemisphere showing history

Bold dates are available on Wikimedia or Wikipedia.
(Other dates are available on www.WorldHistoryMaps.info.)
See also: * Disclaimers * Report Errors * Gallery of Maps


·| 1300 BC | 1000 BC | 625 BC |




·| 600 BC | 550 BC | 527 BC | 500 BC | 400 BC |
·| 335 BC | 323 BC | 300 BC | 200 BC |
·| 100 BC | 50 BC |

·| 1 AD | 50 AD | 100 AD | 200 AD | 300 AD |
·| 400 AD | 475 AD | 476 AD | 477 AD |
·| 480 AD | 486 AD|


·| 500 AD | 565 AD | 600 AD | 700 AD |
 · | 800 AD | 900 AD | 1025 AD |
·| 1100 AD | 1200 AD | 1300 AD | 1400 AD |


·| 1500 AD | · * For historical maps of the whole world,
see Wikimedia's Template:Maps of world history.

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Стиснете на датум/време за да ја видите податотеката како изгледала тогаш.

тековна16:08, 26 февруари 2011Минијатура на верзијата од 16:08, 26 февруари 20113.240 × 1.903 (2,23 МБ)Martin H.Reverted to version as of 20:27, 3 February 2010, downscaling
13:06, 24 февруари 2011Минијатура на верзијата од 13:06, 24 февруари 2011800 × 470 (96 КБ)Prince of Nothing05Armenia's borders
13:06, 24 февруари 2011Минијатура на верзијата од 13:06, 24 февруари 2011800 × 470 (96 КБ)Prince of Nothing05Armenia's borders
21:27, 3 февруари 2010Минијатура на верзијата од 21:27, 3 февруари 20103.240 × 1.903 (2,23 МБ)Malus CatulusRemoved redundant text according to commons norms
07:05, 20 мај 2008Минијатура на верзијата од 07:05, 20 мај 20083.240 × 1.903 (722 КБ)TalessmanMajor corrections: Roman Republic borders, added more info for European peoples, more info for African cultures, corrected borders of Carthage and Ptolemaic Empire, more info for Asian cultures, corrected borders of Bactria, Parthia, Seleucids, Mauryans,
14:53, 9 мај 2008Минијатура на верзијата од 14:53, 9 мај 20083.240 × 1.903 (721 КБ)TalessmanAuthor=User:Talessman

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