Minecraft Wiki
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This article documents an April Fools' joke. 
This feature was exclusively part of a joke version and is not currently planned for addition to regular Minecraft.
It is documented here on the wiki due to being officially-released content by Mojang Studios, even if not present in a final version.
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This feature is exclusive to Java Edition. 
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The Potato Portal is a block in 24w14potato that generated when a pedestal is activated, which teleports the player between the Overworld and the potato dimension. A pedestal naturally generates in a Ruined Portatol in the Overworld. It can also be found in the Colosseum to traverse back to the overworld.


The potato portal block cannot be obtained as an item. It can be placed only by using block placement commands such as /setblock, simply by activating a pedestal using an poisonous potato, or get placed to the other dimension by going into the potato portal.


Potato portal blocks can be used to teleport into and out of the potato dimension. When a player or other entity in the Overworld or the potato dimension touches a potato portal block, it is instantly taken to the other dimension.


"Potato Portal" is an April Fools feature, and as such issues related to it cannot be fixed.
