Minecraft Wiki
Minecraft Wiki
Note: This version is not available in the launcher and is considered lost.

0.0.15a_03[citation needed] was a version of Java Edition Classic released on June 4, 2009, at around 20:49 UTC.[1]


  • Added an error message for an invalid protocol.[2]


  • Fixed a crash.[1]
  • Servers now kick players immediately when the server is full.[3]



  • IRC logs: #minecraft.20090604.log (June 4, 2009, UTC−6)
  1. a b IRC logs: "[14:46] <@Notch> AHHH!!!", "[14:46] <unknownczar> CRASH" [...] "[14:47] <@Notch> lol, I'm fixing some stuff. =)" [...] "[14:49] <Onforty> Notch? MP test up?" [...] "[14:49] <@Notch> Onforty: Yes" (20:47 to 20:49 UTC)
  2. IRC logs: "[15:02] <@Notch> I added a new message to the protocol. error. But the client doesn't deal with it yet" (21:02 UTC)
  3. IRC logs: "[15:03] <@Notch> and I made the server kick people IMMEDIATELY when it's full. it used to wait for the login message, but that means you can dos the server by just connecting a hundred people" (21:03 UTC)
  4. IRC logs: "[14:50] <Zuriki> Single Player not working?" (20:50 UTC)