La documentation pour ce module peut être créée à Module:IPA/doc
local export = {}
-- [[Module:IPA/data]]
local force_cat = false -- for testing
local m_data = mw.loadData("Module:IPA/data") -- [[Module:IPA/data]]
local m_str_utils = require("Module:string utilities")
local m_symbols = mw.loadData("Module:IPA/data/symbols") -- [[Module:IPA/data/symbols]]
local syllables_module = "Module:syllables"
local utilities_module = "Module:utilities"
local pron_qualifier_module = "Module:pron qualifier"
local m_syllables -- [[Module:syllables]]; loaded below if needed
local find = m_str_utils.find
local gmatch = m_str_utils.gmatch
local gsub = m_str_utils.gsub
local len = m_str_utils.len
local sub = m_str_utils.sub
local u = m_str_utils.char
local function track(page)
require("Module:debug/track")("IPA/" .. page)
return true
local function process_maybe_split_categories(split_output, categories, prontext, lang, errtext)
if split_output ~= "raw" then
if categories[1] then
categories = require(utilities_module).format_categories(categories, lang, nil, nil, force_cat)
categories = ""
if split_output then -- for use of IPA in links, etc.
if errtext then
return prontext, categories, errtext
return prontext, categories
return prontext .. (errtext or "") .. categories
Format a line of one or more IPA pronunciations as {{tl|IPA}} would do it, i.e. with a preceding {"IPA:"} followed by
the word {"key"} linking to an Appendix page describing the language's phonology, and with an added category
{{cd|<var>lang</var> terms with IPA pronunciation}}. Other than the extra preceding text and category, this is identical
to {format_IPA_multiple()}, and the considerations described there in the documentation apply here as well. The
preferred calling convention is to pass in a single parameter `data`, an object with the following fields:
* `lang` is an object representing the language of the pronunciations, which is used when adding cleanup categories for
pronunciations with invalid phonemes; for determining how many syllables the pronunciations have in them, in order to
add a category such as [[:Category:Italian 2-syllable words]] (for certain languages only); for adding a category
{{cd|<var>lang</var> terms with IPA pronunciation}}; and for determining the proper sort keys for categories. Unlike
for {format_IPA_multiple()}, `lang` may not be {nil}.
* `items` is a list of pronunciations, in exactly the same format as for {format_IPA_multiple()}.
* `err`, if not {nil}, is a string containing an error message to use in place of the link to the language's phonology.
* `separator`: the overall separator to use when separating formatted items. Defaults to {", "}. Except in the simplest
cases, you should consider setting this to an empty string and using the per-item `separator` field in `items`.
* `sort_key`: explicit sort key used for categories.
* `no_count`: Suppress adding a {#-syllable words} category such as [[:Category:Italian 2-syllable words]]. Note that
only certain languages add such categories to begin with, because it depends on knowing how to count syllables in a
given language, which depends on the phonology of the language. Also, this does not suppress the addition of cleanup
or other categories. If you need them suppressed, use `split_output` to return the categories separately and ignore
* `split_output`: If not given, the return value is a concatenation of the formatted pronunciation and formatted
categories. Otherwise, two values are returned: the formatted pronunciation and the categories. If `split_output` is
the value {"raw"}, the categories are returned in list form, where the list elements are a combination of category
strings and category objects of the form suitable for passing to {format_categories()} in [[Module:utilities]]. If
`split_output` is any other value besides {nil}, the categories are returned as a pre-formatted concatenated string.
* `q`: {nil} or a list of left qualifiers (as in {{tl|q}}) to display at the beginning, before the formatted
pronunciation and preceding {"IPA:"}.
* `qq`: {nil} or a list of right qualifiers to display after all formatted pronunciations.
* `a`: {nil} or a list of left accent qualifiers (as in {{tl|a}}) to display at the beginning, before the formatted
pronunciation and preceding {"IPA:"}.
* `aa`: {nil} or a list of right accent qualifiers to display all formatted pronunciations.
You can currently pass in all but `q`, `qq`, `a` and `aa` as separate parameters, although this will be going away.
function export.format_IPA_full(data_or_lang, items, err, separator, sort_key, no_count, split_output)
local lang, q, qq, a, aa
if type(data_or_lang) == "table" and not data_or_lang.getCode then
-- new-style
lang = data_or_lang.lang
items = data_or_lang.items
err = data_or_lang.err
separator = data_or_lang.separator
sort_key = data_or_lang.sort_key
no_count = data_or_lang.no_count
split_output = data_or_lang.split_output
q = data_or_lang.q
qq = data_or_lang.qq
a = data_or_lang.a
aa = data_or_lang.aa
lang = data_or_lang
local IPA_key, key_link, err_text, prefix, IPAs, categories
local hasKey = m_data.langs_with_infopages
local namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText
if not lang then
if err then
err_text = '<span class="error">' .. err .. '</span>'
if hasKey[lang:getCode()] then
IPA_key = "Wikibolana:Fanononana amin'ny teny " .. lang:getCanonicalName()
IPA_key = ":mg:w:Firafitry ny feo amin'ny teny " .. lang:getCanonicalName()
key_link = "[[" .. IPA_key .. "|lakile]]"
local prefix = "[[:mg:w:Abidy ara-drafipeo iraisam-pirenena|AAI]]<sup>(" .. ( key_link or err_text ) .. ")</sup>: "
IPAs, categories = export.format_IPA_multiple(lang, items, separator, no_count, "raw")
if lang and (namespace == "" or namespace == "Reconstruction") then
table.insert(categories, {
cat = lang:getCode() ..":fanononana",
sort_key = sort_key
local prontext = prefix .. IPAs
if q and q[1] or qq and qq[1] or a and a[1] or aa and aa[1] then
prontext = require(pron_qualifier_module).format_qualifiers {
lang = lang,
text = prontext,
q = q,
qq = qq,
a = a,
aa = aa,
return process_maybe_split_categories(split_output, categories, prontext, lang)
local function determine_repr(pron)
local repr_mark = {}
local repr, reconstructed
-- remove initial asterisk before representation marks, used on some Reconstruction pages
if find(pron, "^%*") then
reconstructed = true
pron = sub(pron, 2)
local representation_types = {
['/'] = { right = '/', type = 'phonemic', },
['['] = { right = ']', type = 'phonetic', },
['⟨'] = { right = '⟩', type = 'orthographic', },
['-'] = { type = 'rhyme' },
repr_mark.i, repr_mark.f, repr_mark.left, repr_mark.right = find(pron, '^(.).-(.)$')
local representation_type = representation_types[repr_mark.left]
if representation_type then
if representation_type.right then
if repr_mark.right == representation_type.right then
repr = representation_type.type
repr = representation_type.type
repr = nil
return repr, reconstructed
local function hasInvalidSeparators(transcription)
if find(transcription, "%.[ˈˌ]") then
return true
return false
Format a line of one or more bare IPA pronunciations (i.e. without any preceding {"IPA:"} and without adding to a
category {{cd|<var>lang</var> terms with IPA pronunciation}}). Individual pronunciations are formatted using
{format_IPA()} and are combined with separators, qualifiers, pre-text, post-text, etc. to form a line of pronunciations.
Parameters accepted are:
* `lang` is an object representing the language of the pronunciations, which is used when adding cleanup categories for
pronunciations with invalid phonemes; for determining how many syllables the pronunciations have in them, in order to
add a category such as [[:Category:Italian 2-syllable words]] (for certain languages only); and for computing the
proper sort keys for categories. `lang` may be {nil}.
* `items` is a list of pronunciations, each of which is an object with the following properties:
** `pron`: the pronunciation, in the same format as is accepted by {format_IPA()}, i.e. it should be either phonemic
(surrounded by {/.../}), phonetic (surrounded by {[...]}), orthographic (surrounded by {⟨...⟩}) or a rhyme
(beginning with a hyphen);
** `pretext`: text to display directly before the formatted pronunciation, inside of any qualifiers or accent
** `posttext`: text to display directly after the formatted pronunciation, inside of any qualifiers or accent
** `q` or `qualifiers`: {nil} or a list of left qualifiers (as in {{tl|q}}) to display before the formatted
pronunciation; note that `qualifiers` is deprecated;
** `qq`: {nil} or a list of right qualifiers to display after the formatted pronunciation;
** `a`: {nil} or a list of left accent qualifiers (as in {{tl|a}}) to display before the formatted pronunciation;
** `aa`: {nil} or a list of right accent qualifiers to after before the formatted pronunciation;
** `refs`: {nil} or a list of references or reference specs to add after the pronunciation and any posttext and
qualifiers; the value of a list item is either a string containing the reference text (typically a call to a
citation template such as {{tl|cite-book}}, or a template wrapping such a call), or an object with fields `text`
(the reference text), `name` (the name of the reference, as in {{cd|<nowiki><ref name="foo">...</ref></nowiki>}}
or {{cd|<nowiki><ref name="foo" /></nowiki>}}) and/or `group` (the group of the reference, as in
{{cd|<nowiki><ref name="foo" group="bar">...</ref></nowiki>}} or
{{cd|<nowiki><ref name="foo" group="bar"/></nowiki>}}); this uses a parser function to format the reference
appropriately and insert a footnote number that hyperlinks to the actual reference, located in the
{{cd|<nowiki><references /></nowiki>}} section;
** `note`: {nil} or a single reference string or object of the same format as in `refs`; this is deprecated;
** `separator`: the separator text to insert directly before the formatted pronunciation and all qualifiers, accent
qualifiers and pre-text; if used, you should explicitly set the outer `separator` parameter to an empty string.
* `separator`: the overall separator to use when separating formatted items. Defaults to {", "}. Except in the simplest
cases, you should consider setting this to an empty string and using the per-item `separator` field documented above.
* `no_count`: Suppress adding a {#-syllable words} category such as [[:Category:Italian 2-syllable words]]. Note that
only certain languages add such categories to begin with, because it depends on knowing how to count syllables in a
given language, which depends on the phonology of the language. Also, this does not suppress the addition of cleanup
categories. If you need them suppressed, use `split_output` to return the categories separately and ignore them.
* `split_output`: If not given, the return value is a concatenation of the formatted pronunciation and formatted
categories. Otherwise, two values are returned: the formatted pronunciation and the categories. If `split_output` is
the value {"raw"}, the categories are returned in list form, where the list elements are a combination of category
strings and category objects of the form suitable for passing to {format_categories()} in [[Module:utilities]]. If
`split_output` is any other value besides {nil}, the categories are returned as a pre-formatted concatenated string.
function export.format_IPA_multiple(lang, items, separator, no_count, split_output)
local categories = {}
separator = separator or ', '
if not lang then
-- Format
if not items[1] then
if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template" then
table.insert(items, {pron = "/aɪ piː ˈeɪ/"})
table.insert(categories, "Pronunciation templates without a pronunciation")
local bits = {}
for _, item in ipairs(items) do
local bit, item_categories, errtext = export.format_IPA(lang, item.pron, "raw")
bit = bit .. errtext
for _, cat in ipairs(item_categories) do
table.insert(categories, cat)
if item.pretext then
bit = item.pretext .. bit
if item.posttext then
bit = bit .. item.posttext
if item.q and item.q[1] or item.qq and item.qq[1] or item.qualifiers and item.qualifiers[1]
or item.a and item.a[1] or item.aa and item.aa[1] then
bit = require("Module:pron qualifier").format_qualifiers {
lang = lang,
text = bit,
q = item.q,
qq = item.qq,
qualifiers = item.qualifiers,
a = item.a,
aa = item.aa,
if item.refs or item.note then
local refspecs
if item.note then
-- FIXME: eliminate item.note in favor of item.refs. Use tracking to find places
-- that use item.note.
refspecs = {item.note}
refspecs = item.refs
local refs = {}
if #refspecs > 0 then
for _, refspec in ipairs(refspecs) do
if type(refspec) ~= "table" then
refspec = {text = refspec}
local refargs
if or then
refargs = {name =, group =}
table.insert(refs, mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag("ref", refspec.text, refargs))
bit = bit .. table.concat(refs)
if item.separator then
bit = item.separator .. bit
table.insert(bits, bit)
--[=[ [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Wiktionary:Tracking/IPA/syntax-error]]
The length or gemination symbol should not appear after a syllable break or stress symbol. ]=]
if find(item.pron, "[ˈˌ%.][ːˑ]") then
if lang then
-- Add syllable count if the language's diphthongs are listed in [[Module:syllables]].
-- Don't do this if the term has spaces or a liaison mark (‿).
if not no_count and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 0 then
m_syllables = m_syllables or require("Module:syllables")
local langcode = lang:getCode()
if m_data.langs_to_generate_syllable_count_categories[langcode] then
local repr = determine_repr(item.pron)
local use_it
if m_data.langs_to_use_phonetic_notation[langcode] then
use_it = repr == "phonetic"
use_it = repr == "phonemic"
if use_it and not find(item.pron, "[ ‿]") then
local syllable_count = m_syllables.getVowels(item.pron, lang)
if syllable_count then
table.insert(categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " " .. syllable_count ..
"-syllable words")
if lang:getCode() == "en" and hasInvalidSeparators(item.pron) then
table.insert(categories, "IPA for English using .ˈ or .ˌ")
return process_maybe_split_categories(split_output, categories, table.concat(bits, separator), lang)
Format an IPA pronunciation. This wraps the pronunciation in appropriate CSS classes and adds cleanup categories and
error messages as needed. The pronunciation `pron` should be either phonemic (surrounded by {/.../}), phonetic
(surrounded by {[...]}), orthographic (surrounded by {⟨...⟩}) or a rhyme (beginning with a hyphen). `lang` indicates the
language of the pronunciation and can be {nil}. If not {nil}, and the specified language has data in [[Module:IPA/data]]
indicating the allowed phonemes, then the page will be added to a cleanup category and an error message displayed next
to the outputted pronunciation. Note that {lang} also determines sort key processing in the added cleanup categories.
If `split_output` is not given, the return value is a concatenation of the formatted pronunciation, error messages and
formatted cleanup categories. Otherwise, three values are returned: the formatted pronunciation, the cleanup categories
and the concatenated error messages. If `split_output` is the value {"raw"}, the cleanup categories are returned in list
form, where the list elements are a combination of category strings and category objects of the form suitable for
passing to {format_categories()} in [[Module:utilities]]. If `split_output` is any other value besides {nil}, the
cleanup categories are returned as a pre-formatted concatenated string.
function export.format_IPA(lang, pron, split_output)
local err = {}
local categories = {}
if not lang then
-- Remove wikilinks, so that wikilink brackets are not misinterpreted as
-- indicating phonemic transcription
local str_gsub = string.gsub
local without_links = str_gsub(pron, "%[%[[^|%]]+|([^%]]+)%]%]", "%1")
without_links = str_gsub(without_links, "%[%[[^%]]+%]%]", "%1")
-- Detect whether this is a phonemic or phonetic transcription
local repr, reconstructed = determine_repr(without_links)
if reconstructed then
pron = sub(pron, 2)
without_links = sub(without_links, 2)
-- If valid, strip the representation marks
if repr == "phonemic" then
pron = sub(pron, 2, -2)
without_links = sub(without_links, 2, -2)
elseif repr == "phonetic" then
pron = sub(pron, 2, -2)
without_links = sub(without_links, 2, -2)
elseif repr == "orthographic" then
pron = sub(pron, 2, -2)
without_links = sub(without_links, 2, -2)
elseif repr == "rhyme" then
pron = sub(pron, 2)
without_links = sub(without_links, 2)
table.insert(categories, "IPA pronunciations with invalid representation marks")
-- table.insert(err, "invalid representation marks")
-- Removed because it's annoying when previewing pronunciation pages.
if pron == "" then
table.insert(categories, "IPA pronunciations with no pronunciation present")
-- Check for obsolete and nonstandard symbols
for i, symbol in ipairs(m_data.nonstandard) do
local result
for nonstandard in gmatch(pron, symbol) do
if not result then
result = {}
table.insert(result, nonstandard)
{cat = "IPA pronunciations with obsolete or nonstandard characters", sort_key = nonstandard}
if result then
table.insert(err, "obsolete or nonstandard characters (" .. table.concat(result) .. ")")
--[[ Check for invalid symbols after removing the following:
1. wikilinks (handled above)
2. paired HTML tags
3. bolding
4. italics
5. HTML entity for space
6. asterisk at beginning of transcription
7. comma followed by spacing characters
8. superscripts enclosed in superscript parentheses ]]
local found_HTML
local result = str_gsub(without_links, "<(%a+)[^>]*>([^<]+)</%1>",
function(tagName, content)
found_HTML = true
return content
result = str_gsub(result, "'''([^']*)'''", "%1")
result = str_gsub(result, "''([^']*)''", "%1")
result = str_gsub(result, "&[^;]+;", "") -- This may catch things that are not valid character entities.
result = str_gsub(result, "^%*", "")
result = gsub(result, ",%s+", "")
-- VS15
local vs15_class = "[" .. m_symbols.add_vs15 .. "]"
if find(pron, vs15_class) then
local vs15 = u(0xFE0E)
if find(result, vs15) then
result = gsub(result, vs15, "")
pron = gsub(pron, vs15, "")
pron = gsub(pron, "(" .. vs15_class .. ")", "%1" .. vs15)
if result ~= "" then
local namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace
local suggestions = {}
for k, v in pairs(m_symbols.invalid) do
if result:match(k) then
table.insert(suggestions, k .. " with " .. v)
if suggestions[1] then
if namespace == 0 or namespace == 118 then
error("Invalid IPA: replace " .. mw.text.listToText(suggestions))
table.insert(err, "replace " .. mw.text.listToText(suggestions))
result = gsub(result, "⁽[".. m_symbols.superscripts .. "]+⁾", "")
local per_lang_valid
if lang then
per_lang_valid = m_symbols.per_lang_valid[lang:getCode()]
per_lang_valid = per_lang_valid or ""
result = gsub(result, "[" .. m_symbols.valid .. per_lang_valid .. "]", "")
if result ~= "" then
local category = "IPA pronunciations with invalid IPA characters"
if namespace ~= 0 and namespace ~= 118 then
category = category .. "/non_mainspace"
table.insert(categories, category)
table.insert(err, "invalid IPA characters (" .. result .. ")")
if found_HTML then
table.insert(categories, "IPA pronunciations with paired HTML tags")
-- Reference inside IPA template usage
-- FIXME: Doesn't work; you can't put HTML in module output.
--if find(pron, '</ref>') then
-- table.insert(categories, "IPA pronunciations with reference")
if repr == "phonemic" or repr == "rhyme" then
if lang and m_data.phonemes[lang:getCode()] then
local valid_phonemes = m_data.phonemes[lang:getCode()]
local rest = pron
local phonemes = {}
while len(rest) > 0 do
local longestmatch = ""
if sub(rest, 1, 1) == "(" or sub(rest, 1, 1) == ")" then
longestmatch = sub(rest, 1, 1)
for _, phoneme in ipairs(valid_phonemes) do
if len(phoneme) > len(longestmatch) and sub(rest, 1, len(phoneme)) == phoneme then
longestmatch = phoneme
if len(longestmatch) > 0 then
table.insert(phonemes, longestmatch)
rest = sub(rest, len(longestmatch) + 1)
local phoneme = sub(rest, 1, 1)
table.insert(phonemes, "<span style=\"color: red\">" .. phoneme .. "</span>")
rest = sub(rest, 2)
table.insert(categories, "IPA pronunciations with invalid phonemes/" .. lang:getCode())
track("invalid phonemes/" .. phoneme)
pron = table.concat(phonemes)
if repr == "phonemic" then
pron = "/" .. pron .. "/"
pron = "-" .. pron
elseif repr == "phonetic" then
pron = "[" .. pron .. "]"
elseif repr == "orthographic" then
pron = "⟨" .. pron .. "⟩"
if reconstructed then
pron = "*" .. pron
if err[1] then
err = '<span class="previewonly error" style="font-size: small;> ' .. table.concat(err, ", ") .. "</span>"
err = ""
return process_maybe_split_categories(split_output, categories, '<span class="IPA">' .. pron .. "</span>", lang,
return export