This project is moving very slow. I blame the beautiful summer weather. Instead of painting I've been swimming with my kids. Exactly as it should be. That said the big boy's birthday is in 3 weeks and the walls are still a mess. Time to get moving.
The room doesn't get a ton of natural light so I'm going for crisp white trim and a light neutral. I was looking for a color reminiscent of a worn baseball (it is a sports room after all) and picked up a sample of Muslin from Benjamin Moore. It was listed on the warmer section of their neutrals brochure but then also shown later, paired with the same cooler colors I have around my house.
The middle color below is muslin. When I got it up on the wall it looked very yellow to me. I couldn't decided if that was just b/c it was next to a very muddy taupe. I also put up some another old sample I had (bottom) and some leftover Revere Pewter from Benjamin Moore.
See what I mean about it being yellow? But then try to square off just that color and not look at the colors next to it and maybe it is ok?
I'm having painters block. What would you choose?