Lila Watson Papers (English)
Princeton Hsu Papers (English)
Hong Kong-Macao Baptist Mission Collection (English)
Baptist Press Collection (English)
Carter Morgan Papers (English)
0 references
4 references
In all, since 1998, roughly 380 Southern Baptist church leaders and volunteers have faced allegations of sexual misconduct, the newspapers found. That includes those who were convicted, credibly accused and successfully sued, and those who confessed or resigned. More of them worked in Texas than in any other state.They left behind more than 700 victims, many of them shunned by their churches, left to themselves to rebuild their lives. Some were urged to forgive their abusers or to get abortions.About 220 offenders have been convicted or took plea deals, and dozens of cases are pending. They were pastors. Ministers. Youth pastors. Sunday school teachers. Deacons. Church volunteers. (English)
Southern Baptist Convention Historical Library and Archives
1 reference
14 June 2022
1 reference
Southern Baptist Reddit (English)
14 December 2021
Wikipedia(27 entries)
- arwiki المذهب المعمداني الجنوبي
- cswiki Jižní baptistická konvence
- dewiki Southern Baptist Convention
- enwiki Southern Baptist Convention
- eowiki Sudusona Baptisma Konvencio
- eswiki Convención Bautista del Sur
- euwiki Hegoaldeko Konbentzio Baptista
- fawiki کنوانسیون باپتیست جنوبی
- fiwiki Eteläinen baptistikonventio
- frwiki Convention baptiste du Sud
- glwiki Convención Baptista do Sur
- hrwiki Južna baptistička konvencija
- idwiki Gereja Konvensi Baptis Selatan
- itwiki Southern Baptist Convention
- jawiki 南部バプテスト連盟
- kowiki 남침례회
- nlwiki Southern Baptist Convention
- nowiki Southern Baptist Convention
- plwiki Południowa Konwencja Baptystyczna
- ptwiki Convenção Batista do Sul
- ruwiki Южная баптистская конвенция
- simplewiki Southern Baptist Convention
- srwiki Јужна баптистичка конвенција
- svwiki Southern Baptist Convention
- trwiki Güneyli Baptist Toplumu
- ukwiki Південна баптистська конвенція
- zhwiki 美南浸信会