
MediaWiki extensions manual
Release status: stable
Implementation User interface, Page action
Description Allows to push a page to another user's watchlist
Author(s) François Leurent (cloudykstalk)
Latest version 0.3.0 (2020-11-24)
Compatibility policy Snapshots releases along with MediaWiki. Master is not backward compatible.
Database changes No
License GNU General Public License 2.0 or later
  • pushtowatch
Quarterly downloads 1 (Ranked 131st)
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The PushToWatch extension allows to push a page to another user's watchlist.


  • Download and move the extracted PushToWatch folder to your extensions/ directory.
    Developers and code contributors should install the extension from Git instead, using:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/PushToWatch
  • Add the following code at the bottom of your LocalSettings.php file:
    wfLoadExtension( 'PushToWatch' );
  •   Done – Navigate to Special:Version on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.



You should see a form at the bottom of all pages, preceded by the list of all current watcher. You can put someone account name (login), there, press enter to submit. The page will refresh itself, and changes take effect immediately.

The "pusher" and the "pushed to" will receive email notifying them of the "forced invitation".