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Attēls:Coat of arms of Montenegro.svg

Lapas saturs netiek atbalstīts citās valodās.
Vikipēdijas lapa

Sākotnējais fails (SVG fails, definētais izmērs 539 × 622 pikseļi, faila izmērs: 121 KB)

Crnogorski: Grb Crne Gore
Dansk: Montenegros våbenskjold (taget i brug den 13. juli 2004)
English: Coat of arms of Montenegro (adopted on 13 July 2004)
Українська: Герб Чорногорії (прийнятий 13 липня 2004 року)
Avots Coat of arms, flag and anthem of Montenegro
Autors Government of Montenegro
(Šī faila izmantošana citur)
Public domain
This image is in the public domain because according to the Copyright Law of Montenegro ("Службени Лист ЦГ/Službeni list CG", бр. 61/2007), "Work is not copyrighted if the work is:
  1. Law, sub-law act or other kind of law act.
  2. Official materials of state authorities or materials published by any other person or institution which do public function.
  3. Official translations of materials of state authorities or translation of materials published by any other person or institution which do public function.
  4. Any of acts in judgment processes."
Hence it is assumed that this image has been released into public domain.
Insignia This image shows a flag, a coat of arms, a seal or some other official insignia. The use of such symbols is restricted in many countries. These restrictions are independent of the copyright status.
This file depicts a coat of arms.

The composition of coats of arms are generally public domain with respect to copyright laws, and may be reproduced freely. This corresponds to the international traditional usage, and is explicitly stated in some national copyright laws. Some compositions, of more recent origin, may be copyrighted.

This is not a valid license as such, being a "public domain" statement for the coat of arms definition only. It must be completed with the copyright tag associated to the picture creation.

See Commons:Coats of arms for further information.
Please note that this applies only to the coat of arms definition (composition / description). The representation of a coat of arms is an artistic creation, subject as such to copyright laws.

Restriction of use - Legal notice:
Most of the time, the usage of coats of arms is governed by legal restrictions, independent of the status of the depiction shown here. A coat of arms represents its owner. Though it can be freely represented, it cannot be appropriated, or used in such a way as to create a confusion with or a prejudice to its owner.

Usage on Commons:
Please provide licence information for the coat of arm representation, information for the author of the picture, and the source if not self-made work.

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Citas versijas
File:Coat of arms of Montenegro (seal).svg
File:Government of Montenegro favicon.png
File:Coat of arms of Montenegro (monochrome).svg
SVG veidošana
The SVG code is valid.
This coat of arms was created with other tool.


Pievieno vienas rindiņas aprakstu, ko šis fails attēlo
Coat of arms of Montenegro

Šajā failā attēlotais


3 jūnijs 2008


checksum angļu


data size angļu

123 572 Baits

622 pikselis

539 pikselis

Faila hronoloģija

Uzklikšķini uz datums/laiks kolonnā esošās saites, lai apskatītos, kā šis fails izskatījās tad.

(Jaunākās | Senākās) Skatīt (10 jaunākas | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500 vienā lapā).
tagadējais2024. gada 1. marts, plkst. 13.502024. gada 1. marts, plkst. 13.50 versijas sīktēls539 × 622 (121 KB)Great BrightstarAdjust color
2022. gada 16. oktobris, plkst. 16.022022. gada 16. oktobris, plkst. 16.02 versijas sīktēls539 × 622 (121 KB)Great BrightstarConvert again
2022. gada 1. oktobris, plkst. 15.502022. gada 1. oktobris, plkst. 15.50 versijas sīktēls719 × 829 (130 KB)Great BrightstarOfficial vector graphics available, converted to SVG
2022. gada 10. maijs, plkst. 18.022022. gada 10. maijs, plkst. 18.02 versijas sīktēls673 × 776 (143 KB)Timok030official vector from https://www.gov.me/dokumenta/843d2910-c36a-4dfc-8e1b-6458c1a103ea
2021. gada 31. augusts, plkst. 03.102021. gada 31. augusts, plkst. 03.10 versijas sīktēls537 × 619 (75 KB)Tcfc2349reduce size
2021. gada 30. augusts, plkst. 22.272021. gada 30. augusts, plkst. 22.27 versijas sīktēls537 × 619 (116 KB)Tcfc2349fixed color
2021. gada 30. augusts, plkst. 10.302021. gada 30. augusts, plkst. 10.30 versijas sīktēls537 × 619 (116 KB)Tcfc2349reduce size
2021. gada 28. maijs, plkst. 00.042021. gada 28. maijs, plkst. 00.04 versijas sīktēls179 × 206 (216 KB)Kamran.nefeagle's tongue should be the same color as the flag.
2021. gada 24. maijs, plkst. 09.352021. gada 24. maijs, plkst. 09.35 versijas sīktēls537 × 619 (132 KB)Kamran.nefReverted to version as of 16:59, 31 May 2013 (UTC)
2021. gada 20. maijs, plkst. 18.352021. gada 20. maijs, plkst. 18.35 versijas sīktēls409 × 471 (217 KB)Kamran.nefcor
(Jaunākās | Senākās) Skatīt (10 jaunākas | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500 vienā lapā).

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