Sākotnējais fails (2 267 × 3 000 pikseļi, faila izmērs: 1,85 MB, MIME tips: image/jpeg)


English: Official photograph portrait of U.S. President George W. Bush.
Português: Foto oficial de George W. Bush, presidente dos Estados Unidos da América.
Datums 2003. gada 14. janvāris

This image was released by the United States Department of Defense with the ID 030114-O-0000D-001_screen (next).
This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing.

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Eric Draper  (1964–)  wikidata:Q5386394
Eric Draper
Apraksts American fotogrāfs
Dzimšanas datums 1964. gada 9. septembris Labot šo Vikidatos
Dzimšanas vieta Losandželosa Labot šo Vikidatos
Autoritatīvā vadība
creator QS:P170,Q5386394
Citas versijas
Image extraction process

This file has multiple extracted images:


This file is a work of an employee of the Executive Office of the President of the United States, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, it is in the public domain.

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An assessment has been made regarding consent of identifiable persons:

This media was copied from the source indicated, which adheres to professional editorial standards, allowing the status of consent to be reasonably inferred.

VI seal

This image has been assessed under the valued image criteria and is considered the most valued image on Commons within the scope: Official portraits of George W. Bush as president. You can see its nomination here.


Pievieno vienas rindiņas aprakstu, ko šis fails attēlo
President George W. Bush

Šajā failā attēlotais


14 janvāris 2003


Faila hronoloģija

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tagadējais2011. gada 30. novembris, plkst. 01.562011. gada 30. novembris, plkst. 01.56 versijas sīktēls2 267 × 3 000 (1,85 MB)Gustavo netoReverted to version as of 08:09, 14 February 2010
2011. gada 30. novembris, plkst. 01.562011. gada 30. novembris, plkst. 01.56 versijas sīktēls2 267 × 3 000 (1,85 MB)Gustavo netoReverted to version as of 08:09, 14 February 2010
2011. gada 30. novembris, plkst. 01.102011. gada 30. novembris, plkst. 01.10 versijas sīktēls2 267 × 3 000 (1,85 MB)S LarctiaReverted to version as of 08:09, 14 February 2010
2011. gada 30. novembris, plkst. 00.43Nav sīktēla400 × 311 (63 KB)S Larctiamight as well
2010. gada 14. februāris, plkst. 10.092010. gada 14. februāris, plkst. 10.09 versijas sīktēls2 267 × 3 000 (1,85 MB)ATDTReverted to version as of 05:53, 13 November 2007 (RVV)
2007. gada 13. novembris, plkst. 07.532007. gada 13. novembris, plkst. 07.53 versijas sīktēls2 267 × 3 000 (1,85 MB)JeremyAReverted to version as of 07:17, 30 October 2007
2007. gada 13. novembris, plkst. 07.512007. gada 13. novembris, plkst. 07.51 versijas sīktēls2 267 × 3 000 (1,85 MB)Paliku~commonswikiReverted to version as of 07:17, 30 October 2007
2007. gada 30. oktobris, plkst. 09.172007. gada 30. oktobris, plkst. 09.17 versijas sīktēls2 267 × 3 000 (1,85 MB)Carlosguitarrvv
2006. gada 28. aprīlis, plkst. 21.002006. gada 28. aprīlis, plkst. 21.00 versijas sīktēls2 267 × 3 000 (1,85 MB)ArtMechanicAuf eine alte Version zurückgesetzt
2005. gada 29. jūlijs, plkst. 23.082005. gada 29. jūlijs, plkst. 23.08 versijas sīktēls2 267 × 3 000 (1,85 MB)Zscout370Photo provided from the Defense Department.
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