O X sécolo o l'incoménsa inte l'ànno 901 e o finìsce inte l'ànno 1000 inclûzo.

The imperial crown of the Holy Roman Empire, displayed in the Imperial Treasury at the Hofburg, 2° metae do X secolo, Vienna[1]
  1. The cross is an addition from the early 11th century; the arch dates from the reign of Emperor Conrad II (ruled 1024-1039); the red velvet cap is from the 18th century. Gold, cloisonné enamel, precious stones, pearls Brow plate: H 14.9 cm, W 11.2 cm; cross: H 9.9 cm.

Atri progètti

Contròllo de outoritæLCCN (ENsh85133945 · BNF (FRcb11993884h (data)