Search Tips |
Adjacency |
Words can be searched as a phrase by enclosing them in double quotation marks.
Example : "art therapy" |
Proximity |
Words can be searched within a specified range of each other using proximity operators. Use a '~#' after an adjacency search, as above, to specify words within # words of each other, in any order.
Example : "art therapy"~5 [finds 'art' and 'therapy' within 5 words of each other]
Truncation |
Words may be right-hand truncated using an asterisk. '*' for 1-5 characters, '**' for open-ended truncation, '?' to replace a single character anywhere within a word.
Examples art* [finds arts, artists, artistic]
art** [finds artificial, artillery] gentle*n gentlem?n |
Boolean Operators |
Use 'and' or 'or' to specify multiple words in any field, any order. Use 'and not' to exclude words.
Example : stocks and bonds
Example : (alaska or canada) and (adventure and not vacation) |
Ranked Results |
About |
Keyword search results are ranked by relevancy. This is intended to bring the best results to the top.
Results will appear in up to 5 groups. Each group is ordered by date unless title or relevance is selected from the Sorted By menu.
To deactivate ranked results select: Author, Title, Subject, or Note, from the Any Field drop down menu. |
Most relevant |
The very small number of titles where the primary title contains the search as a phrase (e.g. Network Design). |
Highly relevant |
The search phrase appears in the sub-title (e.g. Broadband powerline communications networks : network design).
Very relevant |
The search phrase is in the contents, series notes, or subject headings (e.g. Green infrastructure : linking landscapes and communities which has the phrase "network design" in the table of contents).
The Boolean AND pulls words from the search phrase in the primary title and/or sub-title (e.g. Network architecture and design: a field guide for IT consultants).
Other relevant |
The Boolean AND pulls the words from the search phrase from anywhere in the record (e.g. Network programming in .NET which has "network" in the title and "design" in one of the subjects).
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