Law and Order
Law and Order

Thomas "Tommy" Gordon is an ex-con, who previously did time in prison for rape.


Upon being released, he was paroled and forced to live with his supportive sister and her husband. His brother-in-law reluctantly gave him a job, but Tommy mainly shrugged off work and spent most of time drinking at a bar, where he was known for harassing waitresses.

He was leased by rape victim, and later murder victim Tricia Thornburg into a murder contract. Writing him while in prison, she arranged for him to meet her at a hotel under the promise of sex and Percocet. Her stepfather, Walter Thornburg, raped and impregnated her in her preteen years, so she hired Gordon to try and shoot Walter dead out of revenge. Gordon happily accepted because Thornburg had put him in prison.

Tricia was later killed by her mother, Brooke, when she revealed the rape and the conception of her child. When Gordon didn't see Tricia at the meeting, he still went ahead with the hit and shot Walter outside his house. His car was tracked, and the gun was a match to the shot fired at Walter. Gordon revealed the conspiracy and denied killing Tricia.

Gordon was arrested and found guilty of assault, attempted murder, and conspiracy and imprisoned.(SVU: "Justice")
