Robin Daughtry was the counselor at a small homeless shelter for sex offenders in New York City. She led the group sessions for the ex-cons and made sure they didn't face nearby locals.
Robin was one of a few people defending the offenders in her shelter even when there were serial rapes happening on the streets in the vicinity of the shelter. She welcomed new offender Smithie (really an undercover SVU detective) into the shelter's sessions and with aid from Richie Caskey got him to admit his discretions that got him imprisoned in the first place. She later called Smithie in along with Thomas Zimmerman, Caskey's lawyer to get Caskey's status reduced after he saved Smithie from the family of rape victim but he couldn't give an answer.
The next day, Robin herself would face being raped, but when she ripped the rapist's mask off and recognized him, she was stabbed to death in the struggle so the secret would die with her. Her body was discovered in a park and SVU were forced to look into the sex offenders but all except Caskey had an alibi and he was arrested.
It was revealed Zimmerman was actually the perpetrator and that he raped two other women across the state, while framing sex offenders for his crimes. Zimmerman attempted and failed to frame Caskey for the crime, but he was exposed as SVU initiated a sting to catch him in the act. Zimmerman was convicted of the rapes and Robin's murder. (SVU: "Sheltered Outcasts")