Christine Mayfield is an actress, a murderer, and a saboteur of the course of justice due to legal and custody battles with her estranged husband, Clay Darren, including over their son Clay Darren, Jr..
Mayfield is a vain narcissist obsessed with getting her way. To this end, she seduced men into her orbit so she could get what she wanted from them. This included Ronald Hawk, a private investigator she hired, and Judge Harvey Frye, the family court judge on the Darren-Mayfield case. Judge Frye was originally leaning for Mayfield to win the case, but he decided to assign Clay custody instead in a change of heart and moment of conscience. Hawk passed this onto Mayfield, who was furious and had none of this, devising a new plan to win the case and get revenge.
Mayfield stole one of Hawk's gun and went to the Frye family home, where Judge Frye's wife, couples' therapist Dr. Monica Frye, was at the kitchen window. Mayfield shot through the window into Monica's shoulder, then fired a second, fatal shot. To frame Clay for the murder, she posted a video online of an enraged altercation between Clay and Judge Frye, where Clay threatened the judge, which painted Judge Frye as the real target. Mayfield then paid an escort to seduce and have sex with Clay as a "fan" to further dicredit him.
The plan worked, and Clay was placed under a high-profile arrest. In a twist, Mayfield then pinned suspicion on Hawk, using his collection of guns against him and giving detectives a video of Clay, Jr. crying and and making accusation against Hawk. This left detectives needing to unravel the case of he said-she said to get the answers. They realize how to find Mayfield guilty: Clay Jr. used a very crying technique Mayfield used as an actress, on Clay taught the both of them.
With this, Major Case set up a confrontation at the precinct. The splitting couple saw Hawk's interrogation through the window, where Hawk put the primary blame on Mayfield. She stormed out and denied everything, but Clay was furious and started and confrontation with her right in the central workspace, demanding she confess to explain herself. Mayfield was both furious and smug enough to brag about everything: the affairs, the perversion of justice, training Clay Jr., and shooting Monica dead. Mayfield bragged she could get all she wanted and use anyone for her needs, belittling Clay over having enough self-esteem to not pander to her to try and hold her last sense of power with her overconfidence.
When she tried to leave, the detective arrested Mayfield, with Clay defiantly ready to testify despite Mayfield shouting she'd turn Clay to her side in due time. Mayfield was found guilty of murder, perjury, obstruction, and tampering charges and was imprisoned for life. (CI: "Courtship")