Law and Order
Law and Order
This page is about the Law & Order episode. For the miniseries, see Blood & Money.
"Blood Money"
L&O, Episode 10.08
Production number: E1111
First aired: 1 December 1999
  {{{nNthProducedInSeries}}}th of 456 produced in L&O  
{{{nNthReleasedInSeries}}}th of 456 released in L&O
  {{{nNthReleasedInAll}}}th of 1271 released in all  
McCoy Blood Money
Written By
Barry Schindel

Directed By
Matthew Penn


Peter [Pietro] Grimaldi, an elderly retired insurance salesman, is found dead and stabbed in a taxi cab after he arrives at his final destination. The driver only noticed that Grimaldi was helped into the cab when he was picked up near a bank. When the medical examiner investigates, she finds that Grimaldi was not only stabbed, he was also shot.

The detectives learn more about Grimaldi, and find out that he sold life insurance to European Jews during World War II. After the war, he refused to honor the policies of holocaust victims, claiming that there was no documentation for the claims. He then emigrated from Italy to the United States, where he worked for the American parent company, All-Atlantic Insurance, of his Italian firm Federale Insurance.

Grimaldi had kept a handwritten logbook of all the policies he sold in a safe deposit box at the bank. He removed the logbook when he was subpoenaed by the Italian government to testify about a life insurance scheme involving holocaust victims. Years before, he had shown his son Jordan the book, telling him that it might be worth a lot of money one day.

The prosecutors determine two different crimes occurred: when Grimaldi left the bank, he was shot by Jordan, to stop him from selling the book. Afterwards Grimaldi was stabbed by a man hired indirectly by All-Atlantic to steal the book.

The prosecutors charge Roland Dell, the stabber, and his accomplice, Donald Burton with manslaughter and charge Jordan Grimaldi with murder. They charge Hamilton Stewart, the chief executive of All-Atlantic, with over one thousand counts of grand larceny, one count for each of the accounts purported to be in the book. The policies would, in total, be worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

At first, the prosecutors have a difficult time making a case, but Alan Bresler, one of Stewart's assistants, fills in details of the case after feeling remorse during earlier testimony, as he witnessed Jordan destroy himself on the stand over what his father did. Bresler has children of his own and he doesn't want the same thing to happen to them. When McCoy suggests that Bresler consult an attorney, the man refuses, saying he is an attorney and knows what he's doing. Bresler tells the prosecutors that Stewart has the book and was the one who created the plan to steal it. In return for the book, Stewart agrees to plead guilty with a prison sentence of four to twelve years and a written waiver of his right to contest extradition to Italy.


Main cast[]

Recurring cast[]

Guest cast[]



Green: This guy was stabbed AND shot!?

M.E. Rodgers: New York's a tough town.

Briscoe: How'd ESU miss it?

M.E. Rodgers: There was no exit wound and the entrance was hidden under the hair in the armpit. I only found it when I x-rayed the body.

Green: Well could this guy have been shot and made it to the cab?

M.E. Rodgers: Yeah, Reagan never knew he got shot until he got to Bethesda Naval.

Briscoe: So, what killed him, the knife or the gun?

M.E. Rodgers: Take your pick.

Background information and notes[]

  • Continuity error: Lynette DuPree is credited as "Judge Rhonda Hall" but her character's nameplate displays her name as "Joyce Randall" in this and all her previous appearances.

Episode scene cards[]

1 2 3

Apartment Of
Mr. & Mrs. Reggie Hollis
271 West 171stStreet
Thursday, November 5

Manhattan Terrace Hotel
697 Broadway
Wednesday, November 11

Office Of
Alan Bresler
All-Atlantic Insurance
Friday, November 13

4 5

Supreme Court
Monday, November 23

Supreme Court
Trial Part 52
Tuesday, December 15

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"Blood Money"
Law & Order
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