Reincarnatio'[1] est notio ad religionem vel philosophiam relata, quae affirmat animam vel spiritum post mortem biologicam novam vitam in novo corpore incipere posse. Quae fides praecipue ex doctrina Hinduistica constat.[2] Quae etiam est fides variarum religionum antiquarum et recentium, sicut Spiritismus, Theosophia, et Eckankar. Etiam in multis orbis terrarum gentibus, in Siberia, Africa Occidentali, America Septentrionali, Australia et aliis locis invenitur.[3]

Plurimae sectae intra religiones Abrahamicas Iudaismum, Christianitatem, et Islam singulos homines reincarnari non credunt, sed certi greges intra has religiones reincarnationem revera probant; inter quos greges sunt antiqui et recentes Kabalismi, Catharismi, Druzismi,[4] et Rosicrucianismi assectatores.[5] Coniunctiones historicae inter has religiones vel sectas et fides de reincarnatione quae proprietates erant Neoplatonismi, Orphismi, Hermetismi, Manichaeismi, et Gnosticismi aevi Romani, cum religionibus Indicis, res recentis investigationis scholasticae fuit.[6]
Multi Europaei et Americani Septentrionales decenniis recentibus reincarnationis studiosi facti sunt.[7] Pelliculae, libri, et carmina recentia populo grata commemorationem reincarnationis saepe faciunt.
Nexus interni
recensere- ↑ Vocabulum recens. e.g. in Catechismo Catholicae Ecclesiae (1992), numero 1013: "« Reincarnatio » post mortem non habetur."
- ↑ Iterum nasci (renatalitio), notio Buddhistica reincarnatio saepe appellatur (vide Taliaferro, Draper, et Quinn 2010:640) et est fides a Pythagora, Platone, Socrates, et aliis personis historicis habita.
- ↑ Obeyesekere 2002:15.
- ↑ Hitti 2007:13–14.
- ↑ Heindel 1985.
- ↑ Opus recens magni momenti quod mutuam philosophiarum Graecae et Indicae gratiam de his rebus tractat est The Shape of Ancient Thought Thomae McVilley.
- ↑ "Popular psychology, belief in life after death and reincarnation in the Nordic countries, Western and Eastern Europe," PDF.
recensere- Alegretti, Wagner. 2004. Retrocognitions: An Investigation into Memories of Past Lives and the Period Between Lives. ISBN 0-9702131-6-6.
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- Childs, Gilbert, et Sylvia. Your Reincarnating Child: Welcoming a soul to the world. ISBN 1-85584-126-6.
- Doniger O'Flaherty, Wendy. 1980. Karma and Rebirth in Classical Indian Traditions. University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-03923-8.
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- Roberts, Jane. 1972. Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul. ISBN 1-878424-07-6.
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- Steiner, Rudolf. Karmic Relationships: Esoteric studies. 8 vol. Rudolf Steiner Press. ISBN 0-85440-260-8.
- Steiner, Rudolf. 1997. A Western Approach to Reincarnation and Karma: selected lectures and writings, ed. et intr. René Querido. Hudsoniae Novi Eboraci: Anthroposophic Press. ISBN 0-88010-399-X.
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- Stevenson, Ian. 1980. Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. Ed. 2a. University of Virginia Press. ISBN 978-0-8139-0872-4.
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- Weiss, Brian L. 1996. Only Love is real: the story of soulmates reunited. ISBN 0-446-51945-6.
Nexus externi
recensere- Luchte, James. 2008. "Wandering Souls: The Doctrine of Transmigration in Pythagorean Philosophy,"
- Uebersax, John S. 2009. "Did Plato Believe in Reincarnation?"
- "Dharma - Karma - Samsara: The System Of Cosmic Justice," (Vedic Knowledge Online)
- "Rebirth," (Fundamentals of Buddhism)
- Metempsychosis in The Catholic Encyclopedia: an international work of reference (Novi Eboraci: Appleton, 1907–1914) (Anglice)
- "Reincarnation According to Spiritism," (The Triple Aspect of Spiritism)
- "Was Reincarnation Removed from the Bible?" (What Do Christians Believe?)