Fasciculus:Portrait of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (cropped).jpg

Sua resolutio (2 331 × 3 153 elementa imaginalia, magnitudo fasciculi: 963 chiliocteti, typus MIME: image/jpeg)

Hic fasciculus apud Vicimedia Communia iacet; in aliis inceptis adhiberi potest. Contenta paginae descriptionis fasciculi subter monstrantur.


English: 24/11/2022. London, United Kingdom. Portrait of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in 10 Downing Street. Picture by Simon Walker / No 10 Downing Street
Depicted people
Rishi Sunak – argentarius, politicus
Datum Taken on 24 November 2022, 09:05:48 (according to Exif data)
image extraction process
This file has been extracted from another file
: Portrait of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.jpg
original file
institution QS:P195,Q96758600
(Reusing this file)

Prime Minister’s Office

This image, originally posted to Flickr, is currently not available on Flickr under the license specified on this page. However, please see for permission to use it under this license.
Other versions
Image extraction process This file has an extracted image: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak sidebar.jpg.
This file supersedes the file Official portrait of Rishi Sunak 2022 (cropped).jpg. It is recommended to use this file rather than the other one.

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minor quality
(required by the license)
Simon Walker / No 10 Downing Street / 
Simon Walker / No 10 Downing Street

Potestas usoris

This file is licensed under the United Kingdom Open Government Licence v3.0.
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depicts Anglica

24 Novembris 2022

exposure time Anglica

0.004 secundum

f-number Anglica


focal length Anglica

200 millimetrum

ISO speed Anglica

10 000

media type Anglica


Historia fasciculi

Presso die vel tempore fasciculum videbis, sicut tunc temporis apparuit.

recentissima05:37, 12 Iulii 2024Minutum speculum redactionis 05:37, 12 Iulii 2024 factae2 331 × 3 153 (963 chiliocteti)WikiPedantDo-over from original upload of "extracted from" version: adjusted levels, with very slightly cooler color temperature; blurred background; rotated (but not as much as in previous version, with Sunak's shoulders and collar aligned fairly horizontally and his head cocked a little to one side)
20:03, 10 Iunii 2023Minutum speculum redactionis 20:03, 10 Iunii 2023 factae2 331 × 3 153 (1.1 megaocteti)WikiPedantrotated to correct vertical/horizontal alignment (using baseline through eyes); softened background a bit
23:07, 9 Iunii 2023Minutum speculum redactionis 23:07, 9 Iunii 2023 factae2 331 × 3 201 (1.29 megaocteti)WikiPedantrecopped from current version of original
12:10, 9 Iunii 2023Minutum speculum redactionis 12:10, 9 Iunii 2023 factae2 331 × 3 201 (1.68 megaocteti)Nick.monCropped 2 % horizontally, 2 % vertically using CropTool with precise mode.
12:08, 9 Iunii 2023Minutum speculum redactionis 12:08, 9 Iunii 2023 factae2 372 × 3 270 (1.72 megaocteti)Nick.monFile:Portrait of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.jpg cropped 39 % horizontally, 44 % vertically, rotated 1° using CropTool with precise mode.

Ad hunc fasciculum nectit:

Usus fasciculi per inceptus Vicimediorum

Quae incepta Vici fasciculo utuntur:

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