잔존국(殘存國, 영어: rump state)은 분리, 병합, 점령, 탈식민화 또는 성공적인 쿠데타 또는 혁명의 결과로 이전 영토의 일부에서 축소된 영토로 잔존한 ��씬 더 큰 국가의 잔재이다. 후자의 경우, 정부는 이전 영토의 일부를 통제하기 때문에 망명정부가 되기 직전의 상태에 놓인다.

수아송 왕국, 서로마의 잔존국



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  1. Fattah, Hala Mundhir; Caso, Frank (2009). 《A Brief History of Iraq》. 277쪽. 
  2. Dodd, Leslie (2016년 11월 25일). 〈Kinship Conflict and Unity among Roman Elites in Post-Roman Gaul〉. 《Official Power and Local Elites in the Roman Provinces》. Routledge. 170쪽. ISBN 9781317086147. 
  3. Richard Todd (2014), The Sufi Doctrine of Man: Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Qūnawī's Metaphysical Anthropology, p. 6
  4. Des Forges, Roger V. (2003). 《Cultural centrality and political change in Chinese history : northeast Henan in the fall of the Ming》. Stanford University Press. 6쪽. ISBN 9780804740449. 
  5. Charles Melville (2021). 《Safavid Persia in the Age of Empires: The Idea of Iran》 10. 33쪽. Only after five more years did Esma‘il and the Qezelbash finally defeat the rump Aq Qoyunlu regimes. In Diyarbakr, the Mowsillu overthrew Zeynal b. Ahmad and then later gave their allegiance to the Safavids when the Safavids invaded in 913/1507. The following year the Safavids conquered Iraq and drove out Soltan-Morad, who fled to Anatolia and was never again able to assert his claim to Aq Qoyunlu rule. It was therefore only in 1508 that the last regions of Aq Qoyunlu power finally fell to Esma‘il. 
  6. Struve, Lynn A. (1998). “The Ming-Qing Conflict, 1619-1683: A Historiography and Source Guide”: 110–111. 
  7. Seth, Michael J. (2010). 《A History of Korea: From Antiquity to the Present》. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 115쪽. 
  8. Bauer, Brian S.; Fonseca Santa Cruz, Javier; Araoz Silva, Miriam (2015). 《Vilcabamba and the Archaeology of Inca Resistance》. Los Angeles. 1–2쪽. ISBN 9781938770623. 

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