Tafa | political system |
Yet kap | Plato's five regimes |
Byia̱ za̱kwa | type of democracy |
Nkhang | history of democracy |
Nta̱m | voting, political participation |
WordLift URL | http://data.thenextweb.com/tnw/entity/democracy |
Yet a̱fi̱p | autocracy |
Di̱mokrasi (Helen: δημοκρατία, dēmokratiā, neet dēmos 'á̱niet' ma̱ng kratos 'tyok'; Shong: Democracy) yet tangka̱i a̱gwomna̱ti hwa da̱nang ke á̱niet a̱byin ba bibya byia̱ cet khai á̱nietkpacam a̱gwomna̱ti mba ba, ku ba̱ byia̱ cet khai kyang hu á̱ na mkpa á̱ tyia̱ di̱ cam mba hu a̱ni. A̱tyu wu nang á̱ fa nggu da̱ nggu a̱ yet kap "á̱niet" hu hwa a̱ni, ma̱ng si̱sak nang á̱niet ba ka̱u ku ba̱ nwuat cet nyia̱ tyok tazwa mba a̱ni ku shyak ma̱ng sweap njen ku si̱ ka nvwuon kyiak neet a̱byin a̱nyiung ba̱ng si̱ nat a̱byin a̱ghyang, a̱wot bibyin di̱mokrasi a̱hwa si̱ bai mbeang ba̱ si̱si̱ ntyia̱ á̱kum á̱niet ka ma̱ a̱di̱di̱t a̱di̱t ma̱ a̱shonshyon a̱nshyon da̱ a̱ka̱nyiung mami. Á̱tsak a̱ka̱fang kuntyin nok di̱mokrasi ni̱nia yet: sa̱t a̱tung ma̱ng a̱lyiat, ntyia̱ á̱ghyang ma̱ng nyia̱ á̱ghyang ca̱caat, tyei a̱pyia̱ di̱ yet memba, cat shim a̱ghyang, koot ntswak, a̱wat swuan ma̱ng a̱ka̱wat á̱kum á̱niet na a̱ni.
[jhyuk | jhyuk a̱tyin ka]
A̱ka̱fwuop nta
[jhyuk | jhyuk a̱tyin ka]- Democracy mami Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Dictionary of the History of Ideas: Democracy
- Index 2008.pdf The Economist Intelligence Unit's index of democracy
- Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America Archived 1997-04-11 at the Wayback Machine Full hypertext with critical essays on America in 1831–32 from American Studies at the University of Virginia (di̱n Shong)
- The Varieties of Democracy project. Indicators of hundreds of attributes of democracy and non-democracy for most countries from 1900 to 2018, and from as early as 1789 for dozens of countries, with many interactive online graphics tools (di̱n Shong)
- Visualizations of data on democratisation and list of data sources on political regimes mami Our World in Data, mbwak Max Roser.
- "Democracy", bwoi nkhang tazwa a̱tyin di̱mokrasi mi̱ BBC Radio 4 (In Our Time, 18 Zwat Swak 2001)