
ファイル:East-Hem 600ad.jpg


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解説 Eastern Hemisphere in 600 AD.
原典 self-made (For reference information, see the Map Source References section below.)
作者 Thomas Lessman (Contact!)
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このファイルの派生的著作物:  Part of East-Hem 600ad.jpg

see East-Hem_600ad.jpg file history on Wikipedia.

Map Summary

Original Source URL: http://www.thomaslessman.com/History/images/East-Hem_600ad.jpg.

This map of the eastern Hemisphere in 600 AD was created by Thomas Lessman, based on information from the sources listed below. This map is free for educational use (see Permission info above). When using this map, please mention that it is available for free at www.WorldHistoryMaps.info.

Map Source References

  • Remember, sources often conflict with each other. This map is only as accurate as the information that is available to me. To report any errors or to help further this work, please click here, or email Thomas Lessman at talessman@yis.us

References for information contained in this map:

1. Borders of Europe are mostly derived from the www.Euratlas.com map of Europe in 600 AD.

  • (Please note: User:Bogomolov.PL has done a great job of showing me possible discrepancies in my north European borders compared to this source, due to the differences in the geographical layout of the maps.)

2. Borders of Britain derived from "EarlyBritishKingdoms.com" map of Britain in 600 AD.

3. Borders of Asian countries are derived mostly from the Huhai.net map of Asia in 610 AD, as well as Wikipedia articles related to countries and peoples depicted in this map.

4. Fringe areas like Africa, Australia, Siberia, etc. are partially derived from Wikimedia's map of The world in 500 CE, created by User:Javierfv1212.

5. Improvement March 17, 2023: added main lakes and complete rivers; correct names "Armorica" and "Neustria"; correct areas of Avar, Onogour (Bulgarian) and Western Göktürk Khaganate; mentioned Circassians and Armenia; Ghassanids as Roman vassals, Lakhmids as Persian vassals. According with historic sources available, as:

  • Grosser Atlas zur Weltgeschichte, Westermann publ. 1985, (ISBN 3-14-100919-8);
  • Putzger historischer Weltatlas, Cornelsen publ. 1990, (ISBN 3-464-00176-8);
  • André et Jean Sellier's « Atlas des Peuples », La Découverte publ. : Europe occidentale, 1995, (ISBN 2-7071-2505-9), Europe centrale, 1992, (ISBN 2-7071-2032-4), Orient, 1993, (ISBN 2-7071-2222-X):
  • Vladislav Popovic's «La descente des Koutrigours, des Slaves et des Avars vers la mer Égée» (fr) in: Comptes-rendus des séances de l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, Vol. 12, 1978, pp. 596-648;
  • Claude Mutafian's & Eric Van Lauwe's Atlas historique de l'Arménie, Autrement publ., ISBN 2746701006.

6. Much of the information in this map was cross-checked with Bruce Gordon's Regnal Chronologies.

Other Maps by Thomas Lessman

Maps of the eastern hemisphere showing history

Bold dates are available on Wikimedia or Wikipedia.
(Other dates are available on www.WorldHistoryMaps.info.)
See also: * Disclaimers * Report Errors * Gallery of Maps


·| 1300 BC | 1000 BC | 625 BC |




·| 600 BC | 550 BC | 527 BC | 500 BC | 400 BC |
·| 335 BC | 323 BC | 300 BC | 200 BC |
·| 100 BC | 50 BC |

·| 1 AD | 50 AD | 100 AD | 200 AD | 300 AD |
·| 400 AD | 475 AD | 476 AD | 477 AD |
·| 480 AD | 486 AD|


·| 500 AD | 565 AD | 600 AD | 700 AD |
 · | 800 AD | 900 AD | 1025 AD |
·| 1100 AD | 1200 AD | 1300 AD | 1400 AD |


·| 1500 AD | · * For historical maps of the whole world,
see Wikimedia's Template:Maps of world history.

history links talk edit view


  • 2008-01-08 04:00 Talessman 3240×1903×8 (761768 bytes) Corrected borders in southeast Asia, Central Asia, and India. Also added more info to numbered legend.
  • 2007-12-23 05:45 Talessman 3240×1903×8 (770859 bytes) Added numbered legend. Corrected borders of India, southeast Asia, and Korea. Added more information for Indonesia, Manchuria, central asia, and Africa.
  • 2007-11-02 18:32 Talessman 3240×1903×8 (712068 bytes) Corrected borders of Makuria, Alodia, Blemmys, Nobatia, and Arab kingdoms.
  • 2007-10-30 00:36 Talessman 3240×1903×8 (712926 bytes) '
  • 2007-10-26 22:38 Talessman 2880×1692×8 (569661 bytes) Reverted to version as of 16:09, 26 September 2007 (reverted to earlier full version due to uploading of new cropped versions of same image, to allow full version)
  • 2007-10-19 18:08 Dbachmann 2412×1062×8 (641315 bytes) cropped
  • 2007-09-26 16:09 Talessman 2880×1692×8 (569661 bytes) Author: Thomas A. Lessman. Source URL: http://www.ThomasLessman.com/History/images/East-Hem_600ad.jpg. Image was created by me (Thomas Lessman) based on historical information located on Wikipedia, as well as information from maps located in Wikipedia and
  • 2007-09-12 21:34 Talessman 2880×1692×8 (557321 bytes) Author: Thomas A. Lessman. Source URL: http://www.ThomasLessman.com/History/images/East-Hem_600ad.jpg. Image was created by me (Thomas Lessman) based on historical information located on Wikipedia, as well as information from maps located in Wikipedia and
  • 2007-07-21 20:35 Talessman 1973×1159×8 (2392834 bytes) Author: Thomas A. Lessman. Source URL: http://www.ThomasLessman.com/History/images/East-Hem_600ad.jpg. Image was created by me (Thomas Lessman) based on historical information located on Wikipedia, as well as information from maps located in Wikipedia and







現在の版2023年3月17日 (金) 09:072023年3月17日 (金) 09:07時点における版のサムネイル3,240 × 1,903 (3.8メガバイト)Moodylo333See sources & explanation --> Discussion file
2015年8月8日 (土) 21:442015年8月8日 (土) 21:44時点における版のサムネイル3,240 × 1,903 (783キロバイト)DennissReverted to version as of 17:11, 15 July 2008
2015年8月8日 (土) 15:442015年8月8日 (土) 15:44時点における版のサムネイル1,228 × 724 (316キロバイト)Sylvain1975Reverted to version as of 15:37, 8 August 2015
2015年8月8日 (土) 15:402015年8月8日 (土) 15:40時点における版のサムネイル1,228 × 724 (316キロバイト)Sylvain1975I diminguished the Eastern Hemisphere file in order that the Avar empire around 600 Ad to be more viewable.
2015年8月8日 (土) 15:372015年8月8日 (土) 15:37時点における版のサムネイル1,228 × 724 (316キロバイト)Sylvain1975I dimingished the size of this picture, to show in a better way the extent of the Avar empire in 600 AD.
2008年7月15日 (火) 17:112008年7月15日 (火) 17:11時点における版のサムネイル3,240 × 1,903 (783キロバイト)TalessmanUpdates: Major corrections to Gokturk borders, India, and other areas. Other minor corrections.
2008年5月9日 (金) 18:332008年5月9日 (金) 18:33時点における版のサムネイル3,240 × 1,903 (762キロバイト)Talessman{{Information |Description=East Hem in 600 AD |Source=self-made |Author= Talessman |Permission={{self|cc-by-sa-3.0}} }}

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