
Ānanda Mārga
Ānanda Mārga Pracaraka Samgha
TipoOrganizzazione socio-spirituale No-profit
Fondazione1º gennaio 1955
FondatorePrabhat Ranjan Sarkar
ScopoDiffusione del Tantra Yoga e servizio sociale
Sede centraleIndia (bandiera) Calcutta
Altre sediIn quasi tutti i Paesi
Area di azioneMondo
Lingua ufficialeinglese
MottoÁtmamokśártham’ Jagaddhitáya Ca ("Auto-liberazione individuale e servizio alla creazione")
[www.anadamarga.org Sito web]
Ānanda Mārga Pracaraka Samgha
Altri statiAssociazione internazionale
Fondata daPrabhat Ranjan Sarkar
Sede principaleIndia
Slogan«Átmamokśártham’ Jagaddhitáya Ca ("Auto-liberazione individuale e servizio per il benessere della creazione")»
Sito webwww.anadamarga.org

Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (Jamalpur, 21 maggio 1921Calcutta, 21 ottobre 1990) è stato un filosofo indiano.

Luglio 1977: Membri dell'Ananda Marga a Triuggio (Monza, Italia) durante un incontro internazionale.
Membri dell'Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team ("Squadra di soccorso dell'Ananda Marga" AMURT) al lavoro durante una calamità nel Gujarat (India) nel 2001
Un membro dell'Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT) cura i feriti del terremoto di Haiti.
"Casa della Madre e del Bambino" (Baan Unrak o "Casa della Gioia") di AMURTEL a Sangkhlaburi (Nord-ovest della provincia di Kanchanaburi (Tailandia, presso il confine col Myanmar).
L'asilo dell'Ananda Marga presso Nairobi (Kenya).
Acronimo Organismo Descrizione
RU "Renaissence Universal" È un'associazione di studiosi, accademici, artisti, giornalisti, avvocati, professionisti, dirigenti, studenti e altri gruppi di pensatori che credono nel neoumanesimo universalista, nella divulgazione e nella ricerca intellettuale, intuizionale o spirituale. Il loro obbiettivo mira a sostenere e coltivare le più sottili facoltà della psiche umana incoraggiando l'arte, la musica, la letteratura e tutte le altre branche delle arti.
PWSA "Progressive Women Spiritual Association" PWSA mira ad avvicinare le donne alle pratiche spirituali nella vita quotidiana [[Guida]|guidandole]] verso un benessere sostenibile fisiche, mentale e spirituale.
AMURT and AMURTEL "Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team" È l'organizzazione dell'AMPS che si occupa del benessere sociale e del soccorso. Una branca congiunta di AMURT gestita direttamente da donne è chiamate AMURTEL. AMURT ha progetti in più di 80 Paesi ed organizza sia progetti di primo soccorso durante i disastri che progetti a lungo termine come la costruzione di scuole, ospedali, case per l'infanzia e altre attività per lo sviluppo delle comunità.[1]
PCAP "Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Plants" This board was founded on 1977[2] by Sarkar to ensure adequate protection to plants and animals. PCAP cover a large spectrum of ecology issues such as: Afforestation, Environmental education, Vegetarianism, Ecotourism, Biodiversity protection, Organic gardens, Rural Eco-communities and protection of Indigenous Forest dwellers. "This Universe is the patrimony of all living beings, because all are children of the same Cosmic Father. But the skylicking greed of man always tries to deprive his animal brothers of their right to live in accordance with their inborn instincts and natural wonts. The PCAP program is to bring world-wide consciousness among human beings, regarding the rights of the members of the animal and plant kingdom."[3]
RAWA "Renaissance Artists and Writers Association" AMPS also strives for development of humanity in all other spheres of life. Renaissance Artists and Writers Association (RAWA) is an organization for the development of the fine arts. RAWA regularly arranges cultural training and events. The Ananda Marga Association of Yoga Educators (AMAYE) was started in 2006 as a forum for research, discussion and sharing of knowledge about Ananda Marga Yoga & Spiritual practices and a conference is held every year.
ERAWS "Education, relief, tribal and women's welfare section" The service activities of this section founded in 1963 are focused on: 1)Education: creating and managing primary, post primary and higher schools, research institutes etc., 2)Relief: creating and managing children's and students' homes (for destitute children and for poor students), cheap hostels, retiring homes, academies of light (for deaf dumb and crippled), invalid homes, refuge reabilitation etc., 3)Tribal: tribal welfare units, medical camps etc., 4)Women's welfare: women welfare units, women's homes, nursing homes etc.
AMGK "Ananda Marga Gurukula" Ananda Marga Gurukula[4][5] was founded by P.R. Sarkar in order to build Ananda Marga University with its headquarters at Anandanagar, Purulia district (India) and to bring together the entire neohumanist education movement under its overall academic guidance and direction. The educational network of Gurukula now runs over 1000 schools in India and other continents.

Ánanda Márga Gurukula (AMGK) is engaged in creating a worldwide network of Neo-humanist Schools and Institutes to hasten the advent of a society in which there is love, peace, understanding, inspiration, justice and health for all.[6] Reflecting the broadness of Sarkar’s universal vision, AMGK has become a multi-faceted organization, with different branches dedicated to the upliftment of humanity through education, relief, welfare, the arts, ecology, intellectual renaissance, women's emancipation, and humanistic economy. All these institutions are based on neo-humanist educational philosophy.

In 1990, the Ananda Marga "Education Relief and Welfare Section" (ERAWS), which grew to a global network of about 1,000 neo-humanist schools and institutes, culminated in the founding of the Ananda Marga Gurukula University, with links to several hundred self-reliant eco-village projects ("Master Units") throughout the world. AMGK is actively engaged in the following projects:

  • building an educational township at Anandanagar, West Bengal, India, on a 525 square kilometre campus;
  • supporting the building of a global eco-village network (Master Units), ranging from 5 acri (20 000 m²) to 1 000 acri (4,0 km²) each, in over 120 countries.

The headquarters of AMGK is in Anandanagar, West Bengal, India.[7] AMGK Inc., is its global liaison office, located in Ithaca, New York. Its Chancellor operates from office located at Ydrefors, Sweden. Dr. Acharya Shambhushivananda Avadhuta, PhD (University of Pennsylvania) is the Founding Chancellor (Kulapati) of Ananda Marga Gurukula the kulapati is supported by a steering body (cakradhuri), and an academic council (mahasamiti). The "Neo-Humanist Schools and Research Institutes", affiliated with AMGK, publishes a bi-annual newsletter, the Gurukula Network, in May and November.

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  1. ^ AMURT Global Network: Disaster Relief, Sustainable Development, Community Service, su amurt.net, official website of AMURT U.S.A..
  2. ^ a b Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Plants (PCAP).
  3. ^ Guidelines for PCAP in "Handbook for Ananda Marga organization" Berlin 1977. See also: Sarkar, P. R., 1982.
  4. ^ A gurukul or Guru Kula (Sanskrit guru "teacher" or "master"; kul domain, from kula, "extended family") which literally means “the family or home of the teacher” is a type of school in India based on the ancient traditional system of education ([1]). In a gurukul students reside together as equals, irrespective of their social standing in strict contact with the master.
  5. ^ A Guru Kula is generally: "residential in nature, with shishyas living in proximity to the guru, often within the same house (Cheong Cheng Yin et al., 2002). In a gurukul, shishyas reside together as equals, irrespective of their social standing, learn from the guru and help the guru in his day-to-day life, including the carrying out of mundane chores such as washing clothes, cooking, etc. The guru-shishya tradition (parampara) is a hallowed one in Hinduism and appears in other religious groups in India, such as Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism.
  6. ^ George D. Chryssides, Exploring New Religions, Continuum International Publishing Group, 1999, p. 370, ISBN 0-8264-5959-5.
  7. ^ AMGK is an autonomous "Board of Education" for all AMGK schools and institutes run as per neo-humanist philosophy. NHE-Forum of AMGK deals with K-12 education and CNS-Forum of AMGK concentrates on higher education.
  8. ^ a b Dharmavedananda, Ácárya, 1999, p. 13 to 23.
  9. ^ Sarkar firmava col nome di Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar quando trattava di sociologia, economia, filologia e di vari altri temi incluse le favole per bambini, con il nome di Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti quando trattava di tematiche spirituali.
  10. ^ In questo primo libro Shrii Shrii Anandamurti spiegò la filosofia di base dell'Ánanda Márga mission. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, Ánanda Márga Elementary Philosophy, Ananda Marga Pubs, 1955.
  11. ^ Sarkar, Prabhat Rainjan, Problems of the Day, Ananda Marga Pubs, 1957-1968.
  12. ^ Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti, Ananada Marga Caryacarya,, Ananda Marga Publications, 1995-6th ed..
  13. ^ Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, A Guide to Human Conduct, Ananda Marga Pubs, 1957-(1981).
  14. ^ RAWA fu fondata nel corso del Dharma Maha Chakra (DMC) tenuto in casa di Aniruddha Prasad, uno dei discepoli di Sarkar.
  15. ^ Sarkar, Prabhat Ranjan, Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies, Ananda Marga Publications, 1957 first ed. in Bengali, 1983 first ed. in English.
  16. ^ Sarkar, Prabhat Rainjan (Ac. Pranavnanda Avt. Editor), Idea and Ideology, Ananda Marga Publications, 1961-2001, ISBN 81-7252-205-3.
  17. ^ Home of PROUT, su prout.org. URL consultato il 12 giugno 2012.
  18. ^ Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, Ánanda Sútram, Ananda Marga Pubs, 1961.
  19. ^ Per una completa spiegazione di tutti gli aforismi vedi (Avadhūtika Ānanda Mitra Ācāryā, 1981)
  20. ^ WWD was started to empower women to contribute and alleviate suffering of women in many parts of the world.
  21. ^ Ananda Marga Disaster Relief, su amurt.net, AMURT. URL consultato il 12 giugno 2012.
  22. ^ Amurt ORG, su amurt.org. URL consultato il 12 giugno 2012.
  23. ^ AMURT Italia - Volontariato Internazionale - Adozioni a distanza, donazioni, sostegno e volontariato, su amurt.it. URL consultato il 12 giugno 2012.
  24. ^ a b c Franklin Ng, The Asian American Encyclopedia, Marshall Cavendish, 1995, p. 669, ISBN 1-85435-677-1.
  25. ^ a b c Timothy Miller, The 60's Communes: Hippies and Beyond, Syracuse University Press, 1999, p. 108, ISBN 0-8156-0601-X.
  26. ^ The International Commission of Jurists (Geneva) and The International League for the Rights of Man (New York), Report on the Ananda Marga leader Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (Baba) in Patna, India (PDF), su proutglobe.org, August 9, 1976. URL consultato il March 26, 2012.
  27. ^ Religion: Violent Bliss, Time Magazine, May 14, 1973. URL consultato il March 26, 2012.
  28. ^ Garda Ghista, P.R. Sarkar: Beacon of Hope for Suffering Humanity, AuthorHouse, January 20, 2011.
  29. ^ 40 Years Since Sarkar Was Jailed, Poisoned, su proutglobe.org, Prout Global, January 2011. URL consultato il March 26, 2012.
  30. ^ Herschel A. Prins, Offenders, Deviants Or Patients?, Psychology Press, 2005, p. 251, ISBN 1-58391-824-8.
  31. ^ (Barker 1989: 168, see also 54-5).
  32. ^ As part of their investigation, the anti-terrorist squad discovered documents with bomb-making instructions and a copy of The Anarchist Cookbook at the organization's London headquarters. Three weeks prior to the attack, one of the plotters had thrown a brick through the window of the New Bond Street office of Air India. The attached note called on Moraji Desai, the current Indian Prime Minister, to release Sarkar or he will have "blood on his hands". The initial plan was to shoot the High Commissioner in his car, but this was abandoned for security reasons. On the next attempt, they decided to stab the Commission's commercial counsellor, but that also failed when the would-be assassin could not go through with the attack. Finally, one of the other plotters stabbed a junior Indian government employee, when he was mistaken for the commercial counsellor. The victim suffered a punctured lung and internal bleeding, but recovered with medical help. See Birmingham Evening Mail, Saturday, November 4, 1978
  33. ^ See Times of India, July 5, 1978
  34. ^ Curtis Daniel MacDougall, Superstition and the Press, Prometheus Books, 1983, p. 446, ISBN 0-87975-211-4.
  35. ^ On this subject see Sarkar, Prabhat Rainjan, The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism, Kolkata, Ananda Marga Publications, 1982. and Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar, Neohumanism in a Nutshell vol 1 and 2, Kolkata, Ananda Marga Publications, 1987., Avadhūtika Ānanda Mitra Ācāryā, Neo-humanist Education: Education for a New World, Ananda Marga Publications, 1986.. See also Acarya Prasiidananda Avadhuta, Neo-Humanist Ecology, Ananda Marga Publications, 1990.