Under Night In-Birth Wiki
Under Night In-Birth Wiki

Under Night In-Birth (アンダーナイトインヴァース) is a 2D fighting game series by FRENCH-BREAD who were previously known for the Melty Blood games. UNI features a distinct cast of characters within a contemporary urban fantasy story, telling the tale of a girl cursed with unending reincarnation and a boy who is the only one able put an end to her "eternity".

This wiki covers everything from the characters to the core of the gameplay to the history of the franchise. The main point of this wiki was to gather all the bits of information in one place, as English-language external material for the series is quite scarce.

Keep in mind that the Wiki contains un-tagged spoilers for all story content in the series, so proceed at your own risk.

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Featured Article


Uzuki (ウヅキ) is a former member of Amnesia going by the alias of The Black Monger. Accompanied by her subordinates J.J. and Tempest, she leaves the group in order to defeat Paradox as an act of rebellion. While originally having made a cameo in the original UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH, she has since then become playable in UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH II Sys:Celes as the first character in its Season Pass. (Read more...)

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Official Portal Site
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Official UNIEL Website
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Official UNIst Website
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Official UNIcl-r Website
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Official UNI2 Website