Berkas:David Cameron official.jpg

Ukuran asli (1.440 × 1.920 piksel, ukuran berkas: 1,14 MB, tipe MIME: image/jpeg)

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Čeština: Oficiální portrét Davida Camerona z 10 Downing Street webových stránek
English: David Cameron's official portrait from the 10 Downing Street website
Українська: Світлина Девіда Камерана з веб-сайту Даунінг-стріт, 10
Sumber Meet the PM at the Wayback Machine (direct image link at the Wayback Machine) from the 10 Downing Street Website
Pembuat Unknown photographer
(Menggunakan kembali berkas ini)
English: Copyright notice in 2010 at the Wayback Machine: "You may use and re-use the information featured on this website (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence."

An assessment has been made regarding consent of identifiable persons:

This media was copied from the source indicated, which adheres to professional editorial standards, allowing the status of consent to be reasonably inferred.

Versi lainnya
Image extraction process This file has an extracted image: David Cameron official (cropped).jpg.
File:Prime Minister David Cameron - official photograph (8947770804) (cropped).jpg


Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom
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Berkas ini sebelumnya diunggah ke Meet the PM (direct image link) from the 10 Downing Street Website dan ditinjau pada tanggal 23 Juli 2016 oleh pengguna peninjau yaitu Czar yang mengonfirmasi bahwa pada tanggal tersebut berkas ini betul memiliki lisensi sesuai yang dinyatakan.


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Official portrait of David Cameron in 2010

Items portrayed in this file


3 Agustus 2010

0,001 detik

55 milimeter


checksum Inggris


1.200.320 Bita

1.920 piksel

1.440 piksel

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terkini24 Juni 2016 18.14Miniatur versi sejak 24 Juni 2016 18.141.440 × 1.920 (1,14 MB)David Levylossless crop; 3:4 aspect ratio
28 Oktober 2015 20.27Miniatur versi sejak 28 Oktober 2015 20.271.412 × 1.887 (1,13 MB)Sfs90Reverted to version as of 16:54, 26 September 2015 (UTC)
9 Oktober 2015 13.43Miniatur versi sejak 9 Oktober 2015 13.431.296 × 1.785 (724 KB)GuarénDeBibliotecaProportion
26 September 2015 16.54Miniatur versi sejak 26 September 2015 16.541.412 × 1.887 (1,13 MB)Nub CakeCropped 2 % vertically using CropTool with lossless mode.
26 September 2015 16.53Miniatur versi sejak 26 September 2015 16.531.412 × 1.926 (1,15 MB)Nub CakeCropped 2 % vertically using CropTool with lossless mode.
26 September 2015 16.52Miniatur versi sejak 26 September 2015 16.521.412 × 1.958 (1,17 MB)Nub CakeCropped 3 % vertically using CropTool with lossless mode.
24 September 2015 15.10Miniatur versi sejak 24 September 2015 15.101.412 × 2.016 (1,2 MB)StemocHQ from original
20 Oktober 2014 12.18Miniatur versi sejak 20 Oktober 2014 12.181.440 × 1.920 (322 KB)MattbuckOlder version was better
15 Oktober 2014 00.24Miniatur versi sejak 15 Oktober 2014 00.241.440 × 1.920 (340 KB)SemolaSeminolaContraste
15 September 2012 17.22Miniatur versi sejak 15 September 2012 17.221.440 × 1.920 (322 KB)David Levy{{Information |Description={{en|David Cameron's official portrait from the 10 Downing Street website}} {{uk|Світлина Девіда Камерана з веб-сайту Даунінг-стріт, 10}} |Source=

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