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Datoteka:Jean-Léon Gérôme - Diogenes - Walters 37131.jpg

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Jean-Léon Gérôme: Diogenes  wikidata:Q12103299 reasonator:Q12103299
Jean-Léon Gérôme (1824–1904)  wikidata:Q212499
Jean-Léon Gérôme
Opis francuski painter, drawer i sculptor
Datum rođenja i smrti 11. svibnja 1824. Edit this at Wikidata 10. siječnja 1904. Edit this at Wikidata
Mjesto rođenja i smrti Vesoul Edit this at Wikidata 9th arrondissement of Paris Edit this at Wikidata
Mjesto rada
Normativni nadzor
artist QS:P170,Q212499
image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page
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Deutsch: Der griechische Philosoph Diogenes (404-323 v. Chr.) sitzt in seiner Behausung, einem Pithos, in der Metroon, Athen. Seine Begleiter waren Hunde, die auch als Symbole seiner "Zyniker" (Griechisch: "Kynikos," Hundeähnliche) Philosophie dienten. Drei Jahre nach der ersten Ausstellung wurde Gerome zum Professor für Malerei an der Ecole des Beaux-Arts ernannt, wo er viele französische und ausländische Studenten unterrichtete.
English: The Greek philosopher Diogenes (404-323 BC) is seated in his abode, the earthenware tub, in the Metroon, Athens, lighting the lamp in daylight with which he was to search for an honest man. His companions were dogs that also served as emblems of his "Cynic" (Greek: "kynikos," dog-like) philosophy, which emphasized an austere existence. Three years after this painting was first exhibited, Gerome was appointed a professor of painting at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts where he would instruct many students, both French and foreign.
Français : Le philosophe grec Diogène (404-323 av. J.-C.) assis dans son humble logis, un tonneau en terre cuite dans le quartier Métrôon d'Athènes, allume une lampe en plein jour, signalant qu'il recherche un homme honnête. Les chiens qui l'entourent, des compagnons du philosophe, sont emblématiques du cynisme (du grec kynikos, pareil au chien), qui met de l'avant une vie austère.
Prikazane osobe Diogen Edit this at Wikidata
Datum 1860.
date QS:P571,+1860-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
Medij ulje na platnu
medium QS:P186,Q296955;P186,Q12321255,P518,Q861259
Dimenzije visina: 74,5 cm; Širina: 101 cm
dimensions QS:P2048,74.5U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,101U174728
; with frame: visina: 105,2 cm; Širina: 132,6 cm; depth: 15,2 cm
dimensions QS:P2048,105.2U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,132.6U174728
dimensions QS:P5524,15.2U174728
institution QS:P195,Q210081
Inventarni broj
Mjesto nastanka France
Povijest predmeta
  • August Belmont, New York [date and mode of acquisition unknown]
  • August Belmont Sale, New York, November, 1872, no. 31
  • William T. Walters, Baltimore, 1872, by purchase
  • Henry Walters, Baltimore, 1894, by inheritance
  • Walters Art Museum, 1931, by bequest
Povijest izlaganja
  • Hommage à Baudelaire. Art Gallery, University of Maryland, College Park. 1968.
  • Jean-Léon Gérôme. Dayton Art Institute, Dayton; Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis; The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore. 1972-1973.
  • Gérôme and Goupil: Art and Enterprise. The Frick Art & Historical Center, Pittsburgh; Musée Goupil, Bordeaux; Dahesh Museum of Art, New York. 2001.
  • The Spectacular Art of Jean-Léon Gérôme. Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid; J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles; Musee D'Orsay, Paris. 2010-2011.
Darovatelj Acquired by William T. Walters, 1872
Natpisi (inskripcije)

Potpis i datum :

J. L. Gér��me MDCCCLX
Izvor Walters Art Museum: Home page  Info about artwork
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Diogenes engleski

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sadašnja20:52, 1. rujna 2010.Minijatura za inačicu od 20:52, 1. rujna 2010.1800 × 1322 (3,05 MB)SinginglemonMuch higher resolution
18:23, 11. veljače 2009.Minijatura za inačicu od 18:23, 11. veljače 2009.980 × 720 (99 KB)SinginglemonHigher resolution, slightly better quality version of this painting
21:52, 30. studenoga 2008.Minijatura za inačicu od 21:52, 30. studenoga 2008.787 × 578 (31 KB)SinginglemonSlightly smaller, but higher quality photo of this painting
05:53, 14. rujna 2005.Minijatura za inačicu od 05:53, 14. rujna 2005.796 × 583 (186 KB)Markus Mueller~commonswikiDiogenes (Jean Leon Gerome 1824-1904)

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