This page is used to categorize everything in HITMAN™ 2.
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All items (1010)
- A Bite Out of Crime
- A Bitter Pill
- A Brief History of Rico Delgado
- A Buffet to You, Sir
- A Clean Kill
- A Close Shave
- A Curious Case for Sophia Washington
- A Dark Scheme
- A Dress To Die For
- A Drink to Die For (New York)
- A Great Source of Comedy
- A Great Source of Potassium
- A Head Off the Curve
- A Mumbai Overcoat
- A Pain in the Neck
- A Perfect Machine
- A Silver Tongue
- A Strong Foundation
- A True Test of Skillet
- A Waltz with Death
- A White Ball of Healing Light
- Abandon Ship!
- Access Denied (Isle of Sgàil)
- Access Granted
- Adeze Oijofor
- Aeon Driver (outfit)
- Aeon Mechanic (outfit)
- Against The Rules
- Aggressive Advertising
- Agnomaly
- Aiden Kelly
- Ajit Krish
- Alexa Christine Carlisle
- All the King's Men
- Alma Reynard
- Alma's House
- Amaranto Godoy
- Amelia Garros
- Amos Dexter
- An Elabyrinth Plot
- An Ocean of Knowledge
- And He Shall Rice
- Andrea Martínez
- Another Life
- Another Suitcase in Another Face
- Anybody There
- Aquatic Saviour
- Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?
- Argeo Rodriguez
- Arial Exfiltration
- Arms Dealer
- Art Critic
- Artists at Work
- Athena Savalas
- Atlantide
- Atlantide Space Program
- Authentic Local Cuisine
- Backdoor Engineering
- Bait and Switch
- Band
- Barbara Keating
- Barbershop Duette
- Basil Carnaby
- Bat Shuriken
- Battle Frogs
- BBQ Season
- Become a Denim Angel
- Become a Metal Worker
- Become James Batty
- Become the Barber
- Become the BBQ King
- Become the Exterminator
- Become the Holy Man
- Become the Kashmirian
- Become the Mailman
- Become the Nurse
- Become the Painter
- Become the Politician
- Become the Real Estate Broker
- Become the Tailor
- Behind Closed Doors
- Ben Urbach
- Best Case Scenario
- Better Burn Up than Fade Away
- Better than Earl Grey
- Big Bang Theory
- Big Brother (Haven Island)
- Big Spender
- Bird of Prey
- Birth Of The Scarecrow
- Black Book
- Black Pyramid
- Blackmail
- Blackout
- Blademaster
- Blair Reddington
- Blake Nathaniel
- Blake's Endeavour
- Blind All Humans!
- Blood Eagle
- Blood In The Snow
- Blood Money (Challenge)
- Blowing Bubbles
- Blue Seed Driver (outfit)
- Blue Seed Mechanic (outfit)
- Bodyguard (outfit)
- Bodysnatcher
- Bogey
- Boom Boom
- Boom Goes the Dynamite
- Bounty of the Golden Hind
- Boyz n Dawood
- Brands in HITMAN™
- Breaking And Entering
- Breaking News
- Breath of Bad Air
- Brick and Mortar
- Brigitte Cabot
- Bring Down the Sky
- Brokenhearted
- Brute Force
- Bullet Time
- Burning on the Dock of the Bay
- Caged
- Callie Cartwright
- Carl Ingram
- Carl Lewis
- Case Closed
- Cassidy's Guards
- Catalina Delgado
- Caution: Heavy Machinery
- Caving In
- Cellar Door
- Charbroiled
- Charles Blake III
- Chasing a Ghost
- Christopher Johnson
- Christy Welch
- Clean Slate (Himmelstein)
- Cliff Diving
- Clocked Out
- Clues
- Coconut Balls
- Cog in the Machine
- Cold From Above
- Cold Surprise
- Coleman Keown
- Collapse of the Union
- Collector's Pack
- Come Fly with Me
- Come with Me if You Want to Live
- Commemorative Token
- Common Side Effects
- Communication Breakdown
- Connector Conspiracy
- Contained Explosion
- Contract Apprentice
- Contract Master
- Contract Specialist
- Contractor (outfit)
- Cottonmouth
- Couldn't Resist
- Cowabunga!
- Crashed Driver Kronstadt (outfit)
- Crime and Punishment
- Crushed Dreams
- Dale Anderson
- Dan Buckman
- Daniele Carco
- Darrell Senior
- Data
- Dave Ready
- Davy Jones' Locker
- Dawood Rangan
- Dawood Rangan (outfit)
- Day at the Aquarium
- Days of Thunder
- Dead Man Walking
- Dead Men Tell No Tales
- Deadlier Art
- Deadly Ninja
- Deadly Shadow
- Deadweight
- Death from Below
- Death of a Statesman
- Death Raft
- Delicious Delivery
- Derek McInnis
- Desperate Times
- Destinations
- Dewitt Grammer