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The Brine-Damaged SMG is an SMG introduced in HITMAN™ III found on Ambrose Island. Like the DAK X2, It is based off of the MAC-10 submachine gun, just very, very rusty.


― In-game Description


  • N/A - N/A



― In-game Description


  • N/A - N/A



"Once upon a time this SMG was a perfectly passable DAK X2. After years of exposure to sea-spray and harsh raiding conditions it's so rusty it's a wonder it still fires."
― In-game Description


  • Ambrose Island - Found on a table near the Pirate Camp starting location. (also unlocked upon reaching Mastery Level 6)


N/A No effect.



  • Originally, the player could not bring the Brine-Damaged SMG in their concealed firearms slot, and would need to either smuggle the weapon in or use a briefcase. This was changed.
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SMGs Brine-Damaged SMG - DAK Black Covert - DAK Gold Covert - DAK X2 Covert Special - ICA SMG Raptor Covert - Militia-Issued HX-10 SMG - Slapdash SMG - SMG Raptor Rude Ruby Covert - TAC-SMG - TAC-SMG Covert - TAC-SMG Mk II - TAC-SMG S - The Ornamental SMG - The Scrap SMG - The Shark SMG - The Splitter SMG
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Assault Rifies RS-15 - Shashka A33 Gold - Shashka A33 H - Sieger AR552 Tactical - TAC-4 AR Auto - TAC-4 AR Desert - TAC-4 AR Mk II - TAC-4 S/A - TAC-4 S/A Jungle - TAC-4 AR Stealth - The Ancestral Assault Rifle - The Concrete Assault Rifle - The Makeshift Scrap Assault Rifle - The Ornamental Assault Rifle - The Shashka Beast
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