Hoton asali (Fayil kin SVG, saƙar fikisal 1,024 x 1,024, girman fayil: 557 bytes)

Wannan hoto yazo daga Wikimedia Commons kuma za'a iya amfani dashi a wasu projects. Anan kasa an nuna asalin bayanin shi


Bayani The logo of Wikimedia, without text. The logo was originally designed by w:User:Neolux.
Masomi File:Wikimedia-logo.png
Marubucin This SVG file was written by User:Zscout370 with modifications by Dbenbenn. The logo was originally designed by Neolux on Meta (15 Oktober 2003).
(Sake amfani da wannan fayil)
Use of this logo is subject to Wikimedia visual identity guidelines.
Other versions

SVG genesis
The SVG code is valid.
This icon was created with a text editor.


This work is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship.
™ Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
This file is (or includes) one or more of the official logos or designs used by the Wikimedia Foundation or by one of its projects. Use of the Wikimedia logos and trademarks is subject to the Wikimedia trademark policy and visual identity guidelines, and may require permission.

This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing. 

Tarihin fayil

Ku latsa rana/lokaci ku ga fayil yadda yake a wannan lokaci

Rana/LokaciWadar sufaKusurwowiMa'aikaciBahasi
na yanzu20:26, 13 ga Yuni, 2018Wadar sufa ta zubin 20:26, 13 ga Yuni, 20181,024 × 1,024 (557 bytes)JdxValid version by User:Thomas Linard (File:Wikimedia-logo (2).svg)
08:41, 22 ga Maris, 2006Wadar sufa ta zubin 08:41, 22 ga Maris, 20061,024 × 1,024 (692 bytes)DbenbennSimpler SVG code, based on a suggestion of User:Pumbaa80.
03:47, 1 ga Janairu, 2006Wadar sufa ta zubin 03:47, 1 ga Janairu, 20061,198 × 1,198 (794 bytes)Dbenbennmore accurate rendition of the PNG version
03:15, 1 ga Janairu, 2006Wadar sufa ta zubin 03:15, 1 ga Janairu, 2006600 × 600 (764 bytes)Dbenbenntransparent background, and cleaned SVG
01:19, 1 ga Janairu, 2006Wadar sufa ta zubin 01:19, 1 ga Janairu, 2006600 × 600 (2 KB)Dbenbenndrawn by User:Zscout370, {{CopyrightedWikimedia}}

Amfanin fayil a ko'ina

Wadannan sauran wikis suna amfani da fayil din anan

Duba ƙarin amfanin wannan fayil.

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