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Revisión feita o 1 de outubro de 2024 ás 09:29 por Vriullop (conversa | contribucións) (table of possible fixes at Módulo:Gl-flexión/plural)
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Os editores poden probar cambios no mesmo en Módulo:Gl-flexión/probas.
Por favor, engade as categorías na subpáxina de documentación e os interwikis no Wikidata. Ver as subpáxinas deste módulo.
-- Grammatical cases for Galician: plural, ordinal
-- used from Module:Wikidades/i18n

local p = {}

local rsubn = mw.ustring.gsub
local rmatch = mw.ustring.match

local unaccented_vowel = "aeiouüAEIOUÜ"
local accented_vowel = "áéíóúýÁÉÍÓÚÝ"
local vowel = unaccented_vowel .. accented_vowel
local V = "[" .. vowel .. "]"
local AV = "[" .. accented_vowel .. "]"
local NAV = "[^" .. accented_vowel .. "]"
local W = "[iyuw]" -- glide
local C = "[^" .. vowel .. ".]"
local remove_accent = {
	["á"]="a", ["é"]="e", ["í"]="i", ["ó"]="o", ["ú"]="u", ["ý"]="y",
	["Á"]="A", ["É"]="E", ["Í"]="I", ["Ó"]="O", ["Ú"]="U", ["Ý"]="Y",

-- version of rsubn() that discards all but the first return value
local function rsub(term, foo, bar)
	local retval = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
	return retval

-- version of rsubn() that returns a 2nd argument boolean indicating whether
-- a substitution was made.
local function rsubb(term, foo, bar)
	local retval, nsubs = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
	return retval, nsubs > 0

local prepositions = {
	-- a + optional article
	"a ",
	"ás? ",
	"aos? ",
	-- con + optional article
	"con ",
	"coa?s? ",
	-- de + optional article
	"de ",
	"d[oa]s? ",
	-- en/em + optional article
	"en ",
	"n[oa]s? ",
	-- por + optional article
	"por ",
	"pol[oa]s? ",
	-- para + optional article
	"para ",
	"pr[óá]s? ",
	-- others
	"at[aé] ",
	"com[oa] ",
	"entre ",
	"sen ",
	"so ",
	"sobre ",

local function make_try(word)
	return function(from, to)
		local newval, changed = rsubb(word, from, to)
		if changed then
			return newval
		return nil

-- Based on wikt:en:Module:gl-common
local function plural_form(term, exc_plural)
	local exc = exc_plural[mot]
	if exc then return exc end
	local try = make_try(term)
	-- Based on
	return try("r$", "res") or
		try("z$", "ces") or
		try("(" .. V .. "be)l$", "%1is") or -- vowel + -bel
		try("(" .. AV .. ".*" .. V .. "l)$", "%1es") or -- non-final stress + -l e.g. [[túnel]] -> 'túneles'
		try("^(" .. C .. "*" .. V .. C .. "*l)$", "%1es") or -- monosyllable ending in -l e.g. [[sol]] -> 'soles'
		try("il$", "ís") or -- final stressed -il e.g. [[civil]] -> 'civís'
		try("(" .. V .. ")l$", "%1is") or -- any other vowel + -l e.g. [[papel]] -> 'papeis'
		try("(" .. V .. "[íú])s$", "%1ses") or -- vowel + stressed í/ú + -s e.g. [[país]] -> 'países'
		try("(" .. AV .. ")s$", -- other final accented vowel + -s e.g. [[autobús]] -> 'autobuses'
			function(av) return remove_accent[av] .. "ses" end) or
		try("(" .. V .. "[iu]?s)$", "%1es") or -- diphthong + final -s e.g. [[deus]] -> 'deuses'
		try("^(C" .. "*" .. V .. "s)$", "%1es") or -- monosyllable + final -s e.g. [[fros]] -> 'froses', [[gas]] -> 'gases'
		try("([sx])$", "%1") or -- other final -s or -x (stressed on penult or antepenult or ending in cluster), e.g.
								-- [[mércores]], [[lapis]], [[lux]], [[unisex]], [[luns]]
		term .. "s" -- ending in vowel, -n or other consonant e.g. [[cadeira]], [[marroquí]], [[xersei]], [[limón]],
					-- [[club]], [[clip]], [[robot]], [[álbum]]

function p.plural(term)
	local exc_plural = mw.loadData("Module:Gl-flexión/plural")
	if term:find(" ") then
		local exc = exc_plural[term]
		if exc then return exc end
		for _, prep in ipairs(prepositions) do
			local part1, part2 = rmatch(term, "^(.-)( " .. prep .. ".*)$")
			if part1 then
				return p.plural(part1) .. part2
		local plurals = {}
		for part in mw.text.gsplit(term, " ", true) do
			table.insert(plurals, plural_form(part, exc_plural))
		return table.concat(plurals, " ")
	return plural_form(term, exc_plural)

-- Based on w:gl:Template:ordinal
function p.ordinal(number, feminine)
	if feminine then
		return number .. 'ª'
		return number .. 'º'

return p