Módulo:Road data/strings/USA/TX
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Por favor, engade as categorías na subpáxina de documentación e os interwikis no Wikidata. Ver as subpáxinas deste módulo.
-- Texas
local TX = {}
-- Interstate types
TX.I = {shield = "I-%route%.svg",
link = "Interstate %route% (Texas)",
abbr = "I-%route%",
width = "expand"}
TX.BL = {shield = "Business Loop %route%.svg",
link = "Interstate %route% Business ([dab||%dab%, |]Texas)",
abbr = "BL I-%route%",
width = "expand"}
TX.BS = {shield = "Business Spur %route%.svg",
link = "Interstate %route% Business ([dab||%dab%, |]Texas)",
abbr = "BS I-%route%",
width = "expand"}
TX["I-Toll"] = {shield = "Toll Texas Interstate Highway %route%.svg",
link = "Interstate %route% Toll ([dab||%dab%, |]Texas)",
abbr = "I-%route% Toll"}
TX["I-Express"] = {shield = TX.I.shield, --actually has a special variant of the toll shield http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=32.83914,-97.295909&spn=0.025853,0.049567&t=m&z=15&layer=c&cbll=32.839137,-97.304007&panoid=3j1OLRU7u7dq5nlTROvtZQ&cbp=12,49.41,,1,-4.66
link = "Interstate %route% Express ([dab||%dab%, |]Texas)",
abbr = "I-%route% Express",
banner = "Express plate blue.svg",
width = "expand"}
-- US types
TX.US = {shield = "US %route%.svg",
link = "U.S. Route %route% in Texas",
abbr = "US %route%",
width = "expand"}
TX["US-Alt"] = {shield = TX.US.shield,
link = "U.S. Route %route% Alternate ([dab||%dab%, |]Texas)",
abbr = "Alt. US %route%",
banner = "Alt plate.svg",
width = "expand"}
TX.UA = TX["US-Alt"]
TX["US-Alt-Bus"] = {shield = TX.US.shield,
link = "U.S. Route %route% Alternate Business ([dab||%dab%, |]Texas)",
abbr = "US %route% Alt. Bus.",
banner = "Business alternate plate.svg",
width = "expand"}
TX["US-Bus"] = {shield = TX.US.shield,
link = "U.S. Route %route% Business ([dab||%dab%, |]Texas)",
abbr = "Bus. US %route%",
banner = "Business plate.svg",
width = "expand"}
TX.BU = TX["US-Bus"]
TX["US-Hist"] = {shield = "US %route% (historic).svg",
link = TX.US.link,
abbr = "Historic US %route%",
width = 16}
TX["US-Spur"] = {shield = TX.US.shield,
link = "U.S. Route %route% Spur ([dab||%dab%, |]Texas)",
abbr = "US %route% Spur",
banner = "Spur plate.svg",
width = "expand"}
TX["US-Truck"] = {shield = TX.US.shield,
link = "U.S. Route %route% Truck ([dab||%dab%, |]Texas)",
abbr = "US %route% Truck",
banner = "Truck plate.svg",
width = "expand"}
TX["US 1926"] = {shield = "US %route% Texas 1926.svg",
link = TX.US.link,
abbr = TX.US.abbr,
width = "US1926"}
TX["US 1948"] = {shield = "US %route% (1948).svg",
link = TX.US.link,
abbr = TX.US.abbr}
TX["US 1948-Bus"] = {shield = "US %route% (1948).svg",
link = "U.S. Route %route% Business ([dab||%dab%, |]Texas)",
abbr = "US %route% Bus",
banner = "Business plate.svg",
width = "expand"}
-- SH (main) types
TX.SH = {shield = "Texas %route%.svg",
link = "Texas State Highway %route% [dab||(%dab%)|]",
abbr = "SH %route%"}
TX["SH-Bus"] = {shield = TX.SH.shield,
link = "Texas State Highway %route% Business [dab||(%dab%)|]",
abbr = "Bus. SH %route%",
banner = "Business plate.svg"}
TX["TX-Bus"] = TX["SH-Bus"]
TX["SH-Truck"] = {shield = TX.SH.shield,
link = "Texas State Highway %route% Truck [dab||(%dab%)|]",
abbr = "SH %route% Truck",
banner = "Truck plate.svg"}
TX["SH-old"] = {shield = "Old Texas %route%.svg",
link = TX.SH.link,
abbr = TX.SH.abbr}
TX["TX-old"] = TX["SH-old"]
-- Other SH types
TX.Beltway = {shield = "Texas Beltway %route%.svg",
link = "Texas State Highway Beltway %route%",
abbr = "Beltway %route%"}
TX.BW = TX.Beltway
TX.Loop = {shield = "Texas Loop %route%.svg",
link = {default = "Texas State Highway Loop %route%",
["1910"] = "Andrews Loop 1910"},
abbr = "Loop %route%"}
TX.SL = TX.Loop
TX["Loop Dual"] = {shield = {"Texas Loop %route%.svg", "Toll Texas %route% new.svg"},
link = TX.Loop.link,
abbr = TX.Loop.abbr}
TX.Spur = {shield = "Texas Spur %route%.svg",
link = "Texas State Highway Spur %route% [dab||(%dab%)|]",
abbr = "Spur %route%"}
TX.SS = TX.Spur
TX.Park = {shield = "Texas Park Road %route%.svg",
link = "Texas Park Road %route%",
abbr = "PR %route%"}
TX.PR = TX.Park
TX.NASA = {shield = "Texas NASA Road %route%.svg",
link = "NASA Road %route%",
abbr = "NASA %route%"}
TX.INTL = {shield = "",
link = "International Parkway",
abbr = "International Parkway"}
-- Toll types
TX.Toll = {shield = {default = "Toll Texas %route% new.svg",
["Sam Houston"] = "Sam Houston Tollway.svg",
SHT = "Sam Houston Tollway.svg",
Tomball = "Tomball Tollway.svg",
Westpark = "Westpark Tollway.svg",
WPT = "Westpark Tollway.svg",
Hardy = "Hardy Toll Road.svg",
HTR = "Hardy Toll Road.svg",
FBT = "Fort Bend Toll Road.svg", --needs to be updated - current signs say FT. BEND / TOLLWAY with a rotated logo
FBPTR = "",
FBWPT = "",
KFML= "Toll Texas Interstate Highway 10.svg",
["Fort Bend Westpark"] = "",
["183A"] = "183A Toll Road free.svg",
["290"] = "290 Toll Road free.svg"},
link = {default = TX.SH.link,
["Sam Houston"] = "Sam Houston Tollway",
SHT = "Sam Houston Tollway",
Tomball = "Texas State Highway 249",
Westpark = "Westpark Tollway",
WPT = "Westpark Tollway",
Hardy = "Hardy Toll Road",
HTR = "Hardy Toll Road",
CTP = "Chisholm Trail Parkway",
DNT = "Dallas North Tollway",
PGBT = "President George Bush Turnpike",
SRT = "Sam Rayburn Tollway",
FBT = "Fort Bend Tollway",
FBPTR = "Fort Bend Parkway Toll Road",
FBWPT = "Fort Bend Westpark Tollway",
["Fort Bend Westpark"] = "Fort Bend Westpark Tollway",
KFML = "Katy Tollway",
["1"] = TX.Loop.link,
["49"] = TX.Loop.link,
["183A"] = "183A Toll Road",
["290"] = "290 Toll Road"},
abbr = {default = "SH %route% Toll",
["Sam Houston"] = "Sam Houston Tollway",
SHT = "Sam Houston Tollway",
Tomball = "Tomball Tollway",
Westpark = "Westpark Tollway",
WPT = "Westpark Tollway",
Hardy = "Hardy Toll Road",
HTR = "Hardy Toll Road",
CTP = "Chisholm Trail Parkway",
DNT = "Dallas North Tollway",
PGBT = "President George Bush Turnpike",
SRT = "Sam Rayburn Tollway",
FBT = "Fort Bend Tollway",
FBPTR = "Fort Bend Parkway Toll Road", --is Tollroad one word as signed on SH 6?
FBWPT = "Fort Bend Westpark Tollway",
KFML = "I-10 Toll (Katy Tollway)",
["Fort Bend Westpark"] = "Fort Bend Westpark Tollway",
["1"] = "Loop %route% Toll",
["49"] = "Loop %route% Toll",
["183A"] = "183A Toll Road",
["290"] = "290 Toll Road"}
TX.Both = {shield = {"Texas %route%.svg", "Toll Texas %route% new.svg"},
link = "Texas State Highway %route%",
abbr = "SH %route%",
width = 40}
TX.AATT = {shield = "",
link = "Addison Airport Toll Tunnel",
abbr = "Addison Airport Toll Tunnel"}
TX.IP = {shield = "",
link = "International Parkway",
abbr = "International Parkway"}
TX.LLTB = {shield = "",
link = "Lewisville Lake Toll Bridge",
abbr = "Lewisville Lake Toll Bridge"}
TX.MCLB = {shield = "",
link = "Mountain Creek Lake Bridge",
abbr = "Mountain Creek Lake Bridge"}
TX["SH-Express"] = {shield = TX.SH.shield, --actually has a special variant of the toll shield http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=32.820965,-97.201688&spn=0.012929,0.024784&t=m&z=16&layer=c&cbll=32.820896,-97.205511&panoid=coL0_PX6xfY9Ia3Rkrr8cA&cbp=12,353.63,,1,-8.72
link = "Texas State Highway %route% Express [dab||(%dab%)|]",
abbr = "SH %route% Express",
banner = "Express plate.svg"}
-- FM/RM types
TX.FM = {shield = "Texas FM %route%.svg",
link = "Farm to Market Road %route%",
abbr = "FM %route%"}
TX.Farm = TX.FM
TX["FM-Bus"] = {shield = "Texas Business FM %route%.svg",
link = "Farm to Market Road %route% Business",
abbr = "Bus. FM %route%"}
TX.BF = TX["FM-Bus"]
TX["FM-Loop"] = {shield = TX.Loop.shield,
link = "Farm to Market Road %route% Loop",
abbr = "FM Loop %route%"}
TX["FM-Spur"] = {shield = TX.Spur.shield,
link = "Farm to Market Road %route% Spur",
abbr = "FM Spur %route%"}
TX["FM 1956"] = {shield = "Texas FM %route% (1956).svg",
link = TX.FM.link,
abbr = TX.FM.abbr}
TX.RM = {shield = "Texas RM %route%.svg",
link = "Ranch to Market Road %route%",
abbr = "RM %route%"}
TX["RM 1956"] = {shield = "Texas RM %route% (1956).svg",
link = TX.RM.link,
abbr = TX.RM.abbr}
TX.Ranch = TX.RM
TX["RM-Spur"] = {shield = TX.Spur.shield,
link = "Ranch to Market Road %route% Spur",
abbr = "RM Spur %route%"}
TX.RE = {shield = "Texas Recreational Road %route%.svg",
link = "Texas Recreational Road %route%",
abbr = "RE %route%"}
TX.CR = {shield = {arg = "county",
default = "",
Brazoria = "Generic green square county %route%.svg"},
link = "",
abbr = "CR %route%"}
TX.AR = {alias = {module = "USA/AR", type = "AR"}}
TX["I-AR"] = {alias = {module = "USA/AR", type = "I"}}
TX["US-AR"] = {alias = {module = "USA/AR", type = "US"}}
TX.MEX = {alias = {module = "MEX", type = "FH"}}
return TX