'S e eilean agus pàirt dhen Fhraing anns an Roinn Charaibeach a tha ann am Martinique. Tha e suidhichte anns na h-Eileanan Aintilia Beaga. Tha iad a' cleachdadh an Euro.
Pàirt de | Lesser Antilles, Windward Islands |
Cur air cois | 21 dhen Mhàrt 1946 |
Ainm oifigeil | Martinique |
Ainm dùthchasach | Martinique |
Ainm goirid | 🇲🇶 |
Laoidh | La Marseillaise |
Mòr-roinn | Aimearaga a Tuath |
Dùthaich | An Fhraing |
Prìomh-bhaile | Fort-de-France |
Sgìre riaghaltais ionadail | An Fhraing |
Roinn-tìde | UTC−04:00 |
Làrach | Martinique |
Suidheachadh cruinn-eòlais | An Roinn Charaibeach |
Domhan-leud is -fhad | 14°39′0″N 61°0′54″W |
Coordinates of easternmost point | 14°27′35″N 60°48′34″W |
Coordinates of northernmost point | 14°52′43″N 61°8′54″W |
Coordinates of southernmost point | 14°23′19″N 60°52′2″W |
Coordinates of westernmost point | 14°49′21″N 61°13′45″W |
Puing as àirde | Mount Pelée |
Ceannard an riaghaltais | Serge Letchimy |
Legislative body | Regional Council of Martinique |
Currency | Euro |
Driving side | right |
Electrical plug type | Europlug, AC power plugs and sockets: British and related types, Type E |
Language used | Fraingis, Guadeloupean Creole |
Email address | |
Làrach-lìn | |
Top-level Internet domain | .mq |
Bratach | flag of Martinique |
Geography of topic | geography of Martinique |
History of topic | history of Martinique |
List of monuments | Q3252351 |
Related category | Category:Martinique-related lists |
Bibliography | bibliography of Martinique |
Economy of topic | economy of Martinique |
Demographics of topic | demographics of Martinique |
Country calling code | +596 |
Emergency phone number | 112 |
Licence plate code | 972 |
Maritime identification digits | 347 |
NCI Thesaurus ID | C16823 |
Caractar Unicode | 🇲🇶 |
Category for maps or plans | Category:Maps of Martinique |
Cheannsaich an Fhraing Martinique fo Louis XIII is b' e eaconamaidh stèidhichte air tràilleachd a bha ann. Chaidh na h-Iùdhaich fhuadachadh is Caitligeachd na chreideamh nan tràillean fo Chòd Dubh Louis XIV ann an 1684. Chuireadh às do thràilleachd ann an 1848.[1]
Coltach ri Guadeloupe, 's e co-roinn tìreach (Fraingis: collectivité territoriale unique) le cumhachdan de roinn agus départment a tha ann am Martinique.[2] Tha ceithir arrondissements, Fort-de-France, La Trinité, Le Marin agus Saint-Pierre ann.[3]
Ceangal a-mach
deasaich- Martinique Tourism Authority - Duilleag oifigeil Ionad Turasachd
deasaich- ↑ “Martinique in a nutshell”. Ministreachd Cultar na Frainge. Air a thogail 9mh dhen Ghearran 2023.
- ↑ “Collectivités territoriales à statut particulier” (Fraingis). Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques.
- ↑ “Département de la Martinique (972)” (Fraingis). Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques. Air a thogail 9mh dhen Ghearran 2023.