NGC 1990
Foresthill, California
December 1998
FS-128G (ag, ST-4)
hPJ400, stack of two 45 minute exposures
NGC 1990 surrounds the belt star Epsilon Orionis. This reflection nebula is of such low magnitude as to be invisible in all but the larger scopes. There are two very faint detached reflection nebulae in the lower left of the photo, my star charts do not identify these nebulae.
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The following email confirms that the image is under the GFDL. Email addresses have been modified to prevent spam.
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 07:17:51 -0800 (PST)
From: Glen Youman <gyouman at>
To: William T. Mahan <wtm2 at>
Subject: Re: Request to redistribute one of your photos
Mr. Mahan-
You have my permission to use and redistribute any and all of my web-site
images under the conditions you have listed in your subject e-mail.
NGC 1990 was a film based image. I no longer have access to a negative scanner
but if you need to rescan the image, I will gladly mail the original negative.
"William T. Mahan" <wtm2 at> wrote:
Dear Mr. Youman,
I wanted to let you know that I enjoyed your astronomy photos at I found it by searching Google for a star I wanted
images of, while doing research for the free online encyclopedia
"Wikipedia". I thought that your images (and one in particular) might
be worthy of inclusion in our growing document.
Wikipedia ( is a free encyclopedia that is
collaboratively edited by volunteers from around the world. Our goal is
to create a comprehensive knowledge base that is not only available at
no charge, but is also freely distributed.
I am specifically seeking your permission to use your photo of NGC 1990
for an article I am writing about Epsilon Orionis:
I'd like to include your image in this article: . (To get a sense of the freedom
of Wikipedia, you yourself can edit this page without registration,
right now!)
We can only use your materials if you are willing to grant permission
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We chose the GNU FDL license because it is the best available tool for
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that if permission is not granted, your original materials will *not* be
used at Wikipedia -- we have a very strict policy against copyright
If you agree, we will credit you for your work in the image's permanent
Description Page, noting that it is your work and is used with your
permission, and we will provide a link back to your website.
Thank you for your time.
Wil Mahan
Glen Youman
Penryn, California - Home page -Penryn School -Stockton Astronomical Society - International Darksky Association
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Vous avez la permission de copier, distribuer et modifier ce document selon les termes de la GNU Free Documentation License version 1.2 ou toute version ultérieure publiée par la Free Software Foundation, sans sections inaltérables, sans texte de première page de couverture et sans texte de dernière page de couverture. Un exemplaire de la licence est inclus dans la section intitulée GNU Free Documentation License. Free Documentation Licensetruetrue
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partage à l’identique – Si vous modifiez, transformez ou vous basez sur cet élément, vous devez distribuer votre contribution sous une license identique ou compatible à celle de l’original.
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This image shows Alnilam lighting up NGC 1990. The photo was taken by Glen Youman of the website As of March 2004, the image is also available at . The page