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English: Possible aquatic adaptations in human - Arguments for the aquatic ape hypothesis and related water-based models

Behance page


  • The diagram demonstrates the arguments proposed in the aquatic ape hypothesis (AAH) and related water-based models (e.g. the shore-based diet model), that swimming, diving, and a semi-aquatic lifestyle may have influenced human evolution, caused numerous adaptations in human morphology, anatomy and physiology.
  • This diagram is a plain description of the hypothesis and does not provide any support nor criticism to the arguments.
  • It must be noted that the points listed are not facts, but hypothetical claims that require further scientific investigations to verify their accuracy, falsifiability, and relevance to human evolution.
  • The possible adaptations are grouped into aspects: swimming, floating, diving, foraging, walking, running, pregnancy, infancy, gender, sex, and a zoom-in of the head and the upper body.
  • See File:Human_Aquatic_Adaptations_(extra).png or File:Human_Aquatic_Adaptations_(blue_extra).png for versions that includes a few unpublished ideas.
  • See File:Human_Running_Adaptations.png for a similar summary of the endurance running hypothesis (ER).

Own work based on:

  1. Hardy AC (1960) Was man more aquatic in the past? New Scientist 17 Mar 7 (174): 642-645
  2. Morgan E (1982) The Aquatic Ape. Stein & Day Pub
  3. Morgan E (1990) The Scars of Evolution. Souvenir Press
  4. Morgan E (1997) The Aquatic Ape Hypothesis. Penguin
  5. Roede M, Wind J, Patrick J, Reynolds V (eds.) (1991) Aquatic Ape: Fact or Fiction? Souvenir Press
  6. Vaneechoutte M, Kuliukas AV, Verhaegen M (eds.) (2011) Was Man More Aquatic in the Past? Fifty Years After Alister Hardy - Waterside Hypothesis of Human Evolution. Bentham Science Publishers
  7. Cunnane SC, Stewart KM (eds.) (2010) Human Brain Evolution: The Influence of Freshwater and Marine Food Resources. Wiley-Blackwell
  8. Niemitz C (2010) The evolution of the upright posture and gait – a review and a new synthesis. Die Naturwissenschaften 97 (3): 241-263
  9. Odent M (1996) We are All Water Babies. Celestial Arts
  10. Verhaegen M et al.: various publications in Medical Hypotheses (1985, 1987), Nutrition and Health (1993), Ecology Research Progress (2007)
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