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Fichier:Brazilian battleship Minas Geraes firing a broadside.jpg

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Português: Encouraçado Minas Geraes disparo de canhões de 12 polegadas.
English: Caption from Scientific American: "During the gun trial of "Minas Geraes" ten 12-inch guns were trained on the broadside and discharged simultaneously. The combined energy of the projectiles amounted to 500,000 foot-tons, or sufficient to lift the ship bodily 26 feet into the air. ... The Greatest Broadside ever fired from a battleship."
Date 1909, during Minas Geraes' sea trials.

"The Brazilian Battleship "Minas Geraes"". Scientific American (New York: Munn & Co., Inc.) 102: 240. 19 March 1910. It was also published in Engineering, January 1910.

The older version, in the history, is from Poder Naval Online here.
Português: Serviço de Divulgação da Marinha do Brasil
Autres versions File:Brazilian battleship Minas Geraes firing a broadside 2.jpg: copy held by the UK's Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums

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Date et heureVignetteDimensionsUtilisateurCommentaire
actuel26 juin 2011 à 00:12Vignette pour la version du 26 juin 2011 à 00:121 857 × 1 332 (1,4 Mio)QuibikRe-did the cleanup. Removed the coherent noise using FFT. Rotated & cropped. Adjusted levels. Removed some noise.
28 avril 2009 à 15:35Vignette pour la version du 28 avril 2009 à 15:351 842 × 1 298 (462 kio)Bellhalladeskew and recrop; adjust contrast; refine jpeg quality level
27 avril 2009 à 15:46Vignette pour la version du 27 avril 2009 à 15:461 866 × 1 332 (1,69 Mio)The ed17uploaded better version.
4 mai 2008 à 18:16Vignette pour la version du 4 mai 2008 à 18:16528 × 362 (122 kio)HTPF== Information == {{Information| |Description = Encouraçado Minas Geraes disparo de canhões de 12 polegadas - Naval ship of Brazil. |Source = photo taken by Brazillian Navy.

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