Svenska: sv:Vädersolstavlan, ursprungligen målad av Urban målare 1535, hänger i Storkyrkan i Stockholm. Det är den äldsta bilden av Stockholm och finns avbildad på tusenkronorssedeln. Den nuvarande bilden är dock en kopia från 1630-talet av Jacob Elbfas.
English: Copy from the 1630s by Jacob Elbfas of an original painting from 1535 by Urban målare, depicting a halo display event.
The visible haloes are:
22 ° halo, at upper right (should be centered on the Sun)
parhelic circle, large white circle (centered on the zenith: appears 'horizontal' in the sky)
parhelia including 2 sundogs, 2 120° parhelia and the anthelion (dots on the parhelic circle, resp. nearest to farthest from the Sun)
upper tangent arc and possible Parry arc (2 crossing arcs just left of the 22° halo (actually 'above' the 22°, in the sky); not realistically shown)
circumzenithal arc, smaller crescent inside the parhelic circle (also centered on the zenith: appears 'horizontal', high in the sky)
infralateral arc (bottom right)
Note that the whole sky appears strongly tilted in the image: the upper right corner is actually down in the sky (when looking towards the Sun), the zenith is at the center of the circumzenithal arc and parhelic circle.
This may result from the artist's choice to represent the display in a realistic orientation relative to the landscape: in this case the sun would have shone from 3/4 back to the right of an observer facing the city.
The relative brightnesses of the haloes are quite accurate.
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Journal des téléversements d’origine
La page de description originale était ici. Tous les noms d'utilisateur qui suivent se rapportent à sv.wikipedia.
{{Information |Description=''no original description'' Copy from the 1630s of an original painting from 1535. |Source=Originally from [ sv.wikipedia]; description page is/was [