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Tifa is a playable party member in Final Fantasy VII. She fights with kicks and punches, and has a unique Limit Break input via slot reels, which deals multiple physical attacks. Her weaponry includes unique weapons whose power depends on how many status ailments she is afflicted with, and her ultimate weapon, the Premium Heart, deals damage based on the fullness of her Limit gauge. Tifa's high Strength and multi-hit Limit make her best built towards physical damage.

Tifa briefly acts as the party leader after the party leaves the North Crater the first time. A hidden affection mechanic with Cloud determines whether she can go on a date with him during a scene in "Secret Date", and which version of a scene plays toward the end of the game. Two of the Gold Saucer minigames can be played by Tifa in Cloud's stead if she is in the party.


Tifa Victory Pose

Victory pose.

Tifa relies on her martial arts techniques and her stats are designed around the Monk character class from previous Final Fantasy games; thus her physical stats are better than her magic stats, and she equips claw and glove type weapons. She has lower HP growth than other characters, but her Strength growth gives her the third-highest potential Strength of any character (behind only Cloud and Barret). Her victory pose is to stretch her arms and back.


When joining the party, Tifa's starting level is given by the following formula:

LV Exp HP MP Strength Dexterity Vitality Magic Spirit Luck +
2 6 228 - 239 17 - 22 11 - 13 7 - 9 11 - 13 11 - 13 10 - 12 14 - 16
3 33 243 - 258 26 - 28 11 - 15 7 - 11 11 - 15 11 - 15 10 - 14 14 - 17
4 94 260 - 277 32 - 34 12 - 17 8 - 13 12 - 17 12 - 17 11 - 16 14 - 18
5 202 279 - 296 38 - 40 13 - 18 9 - 14 13 - 18 13 - 18 12 - 17 14 - 19
6 372 296 - 315 43 - 46 14 - 19 9 - 15 14 - 19 14 - 19 13 - 18 14 - 20
7 616 315 - 334 49 - 52 15 - 20 10 - 16 15 - 20 15 - 20 14 - 19 14 - 20
8 949 332 - 353 55 - 58 16 - 21 11 - 17 16 - 21 16 - 22 15 - 20 14 - 20
9 1384 351 - 372 60 - 64 17 - 22 12 - 18 17 - 22 17 - 23 16 - 21 14 - 20
11 2614 385 - 410 72 - 76 19 - 25 13 - 20 19 - 24 19 - 25 18 - 24 14 - 21
12 3588 430 - 455 79 - 84 20 - 26 14 - 21 20 - 25 20 - 26 19 - 25 14 - 21
13 4610 468 - 496 86 - 91 21 - 27 15 - 22 21 - 27 21 - 27 20 - 26 14 - 21
14 5809 502 - 534 92 - 98 22 - 29 16 - 23 22 - 28 22 - 28 21 - 27 14 - 21
15 7200 536 - 572 99 - 105 23 - 30 17 - 24 23 - 29 23 - 29 22 - 29 14 - 21
16 8797 574 - 610 106 - 112 24 - 31 18 - 25 24 - 30 24 - 30 23 - 30 14 - 21
17 10614 608 - 648 112 - 119 26 - 33 19 - 26 25 - 31 25 - 32 24 - 31 14 - 21
18 12665 646 - 686 119 - 126 27 - 34 20 - 27 26 - 32 26 - 33 25 - 32 14 - 21
19 14965 680 - 724 125 - 133 28 - 35 21 - 28 27 - 33 27 - 34 26 - 33 14 - 21
21 20368 752 - 800 139 - 147 31 - 38 22 - 29 29 - 35 29 - 36 29 - 36 15 - 22
22 24161 835 - 896 147 - 155 32 - 39 23 - 30 30 - 37 31 - 38 30 - 37 15 - 22
23 27694 899 - 960 156 - 164 34 - 41 24 - 31 31 - 38 32 - 39 32 - 39 15 - 22
24 31555 956 - 1024 163 - 172 35 - 42 25 - 32 32 - 39 33 - 40 33 - 40 15 - 22
25 35759 1020 - 1088 172 - 181 37 - 44 26 - 33 33 - 40 34 - 41 34 - 41 15 - 22
26 40321 1077 - 1152 179 - 189 38 - 45 27 - 34 34 - 41 35 - 42 35 - 42 15 - 22
27 45255 1141 - 1216 187 - 197 40 - 47 28 - 35 36 - 43 36 - 43 36 - 43 15 - 22
28 50576 1198 - 1280 195 - 206 41 - 48 29 - 36 37 - 44 37 - 44 38 - 45 15 - 22
29 56299 1262 - 1344 203 - 214 43 - 50 30 - 37 38 - 45 39 - 46 39 - 46 15 - 22
31 69008 1383 - 1472 219 - 231 45 - 52 32 - 39 40 - 47 41 - 48 41 - 48 16 - 23
32 77066 1469 - 1558 228 - 240 47 - 54 33 - 40 41 - 48 42 - 49 43 - 50 16 - 23
33 84643 1555 - 1654 238 - 251 49 - 56 34 - 41 42 - 49 43 - 50 44 - 51 16 - 23
34 92701 1641 - 1750 246 - 260 50 - 57 35 - 42 43 - 50 44 - 51 45 - 52 17 - 24
35 101255 1737 - 1846 256 - 271 51 - 58 36 - 43 44 - 51 45 - 52 47 - 54 17 - 24
36 110320 1823 - 1942 264 - 280 52 - 59 37 - 44 45 - 52 46 - 53 48 - 55 17 - 24
37 119910 1919 - 2038 273 - 289 53 - 60 38 - 45 46 - 53 47 - 54 49 - 56 17 - 24
38 130040 2005 - 2134 282 - 300 54 - 61 39 - 46 48 - 55 48 - 55 50 - 57 17 - 24
39 140725 2101 - 2230 291 - 309 55 - 62 40 - 47 49 - 56 49 - 56 51 - 58 17 - 24
41 163820 2283 - 2422 309 - 328 58 - 65 42 - 49 51 - 58 51 - 58 54 - 61 17 - 24
42 178647 2404 - 2555 319 - 339 58 - 65 43 - 50 52 - 59 52 - 59 55 - 62 18 - 25
43 191877 2525 - 2688 328 - 350 58 - 65 44 - 51 53 - 60 53 - 60 56 - 63 18 - 25
44 205744 2646 - 2809 338 - 360 59 - 66 45 - 52 54 - 61 54 - 61 57 - 64 18 - 25
45 220264 2754 - 2930 349 - 371 60 - 67 46 - 53 55 - 62 55 - 62 58 - 65 19 - 26
46 235451 2875 - 3051 359 - 381 61 - 68 46 - 53 56 - 63 56 - 63 59 - 66 19 - 26
47 251321 2983 - 3172 368 - 391 62 - 69 47 - 54 57 - 64 57 - 64 60 - 67 19 - 26
48 267888 3104 - 3293 377 - 402 63 - 70 48 - 55 58 - 65 58 - 65 61 - 68 19 - 26
49 285168 3212 - 3414 387 - 412 64 - 71 49 - 56 59 - 66 59 - 66 62 - 69 19 - 26
51 321925 3441 - 3656 408 - 433 66 - 73 50 - 57 61 - 68 61 - 68 64 - 71 19 - 26
52 341432 3572 - 3800 417 - 443 67 - 74 51 - 58 61 - 68 62 - 69 65 - 72 20 - 27
53 361712 3703 - 3944 426 - 454 67 - 74 51 - 58 62 - 69 63 - 70 66 - 73 20 - 27
54 382779 3834 - 4075 436 - 464 68 - 75 52 - 59 62 - 69 64 - 71 67 - 74 20 - 27
55 404649 3965 - 4206 447 - 475 69 - 76 53 - 60 63 - 70 65 - 72 68 - 75 20 - 27
56 427336 4096 - 4337 457 - 485 70 - 77 53 - 60 63 - 70 65 - 72 69 - 76 20 - 27
57 450856 4213 - 4468 466 - 495 70 - 77 54 - 61 64 - 71 66 - 73 69 - 76 20 - 27
58 475223 4344 - 4599 477 - 506 71 - 78 55 - 62 64 - 71 67 - 74 70 - 77 20 - 27
59 500453 4461 - 4730 486 - 516 72 - 79 55 - 62 65 - 72 67 - 74 71 - 78 20 - 27
61 553560 4709 - 4992 505 - 537 73 - 80 57 - 64 66 - 73 69 - 76 72 - 79 21 - 28
62 581467 4814 - 5109 513 - 546 74 - 81 57 - 64 67 - 74 69 - 76 73 - 80 21 - 28
63 610297 4919 - 5226 522 - 555 75 - 82 57 - 64 68 - 75 70 - 77 74 - 81 21 - 28
64 640064 5024 - 5343 530 - 564 76 - 83 57 - 64 68 - 75 70 - 77 75 - 82 21 - 28
65 670784 5141 - 5460 540 - 574 76 - 83 57 - 64 69 - 76 71 - 78 75 - 82 21 - 28
66 702471 5246 - 5577 548 - 583 77 - 84 57 - 64 69 - 76 71 - 78 76 - 83 21 - 28
67 735141 5363 - 5694 557 - 592 77 - 84 58 - 65 69 - 76 71 - 78 76 - 83 21 - 28
68 768808 5468 - 5811 565 - 601 77 - 84 58 - 65 70 - 77 72 - 79 77 - 84 21 - 28
69 803488 5573 - 5928 574 - 610 78 - 85 58 - 65 70 - 77 72 - 79 77 - 84 21 - 28
71 875945 5795 - 6162 592 - 629 79 - 86 59 - 66 71 - 78 73 - 80 79 - 86 22 - 29
72 913752 5912 - 6279 600 - 638 79 - 86 59 - 66 71 - 78 73 - 80 79 - 86 22 - 29
73 952632 6017 - 6396 609 - 647 80 - 87 59 - 66 71 - 78 74 - 81 80 - 87 22 - 29
74 992599 6134 - 6513 617 - 656 80 - 87 59 - 66 71 - 78 74 - 81 80 - 87 22 - 29
75 1033669 6239 - 6630 626 - 666 81 - 88 60 - 67 72 - 79 74 - 81 81 - 88 22 - 29
76 1075856 6356 - 6747 635 - 675 81 - 88 60 - 67 72 - 79 75 - 82 81 - 88 22 - 29
77 1119176 6461 - 6864 643 - 684 81 - 88 60 - 67 72 - 79 75 - 82 82 - 89 22 - 29
78 1163643 6578 - 6981 652 - 693 82 - 89 61 - 68 73 - 80 75 - 82 82 - 89 22 - 29
79 1209273 6683 - 7098 660 - 702 82 - 89 61 - 68 73 - 80 76 - 83 83 - 90 22 - 29
81 1304080 6905 - 7332 678 - 721 83 - 90 61 - 68 74 - 81 76 - 83 84 - 91 23 - 30
82 1371319 6997 - 7433 685 - 728 84 - 91 61 - 68 74 - 81 77 - 84 84 - 91 23 - 30
83 1422421 7089 - 7534 691 - 735 84 - 91 61 - 68 74 - 81 77 - 84 84 - 91 23 - 30
84 1474777 7181 - 7635 698 - 742 85 - 92 61 - 68 75 - 82 78 - 85 84 - 91 23 - 30
85 1528402 7273 - 7736 706 - 750 85 - 92 61 - 68 75 - 82 78 - 85 84 - 91 23 - 30
86 1583312 7365 - 7837 712 - 757 85 - 92 62 - 69 75 - 82 78 - 85 84 - 91 23 - 30
87 1639521 7457 - 7929 719 - 764 85 - 92 62 - 69 75 - 82 79 - 86 84 - 91 23 - 30
88 1697045 7549 - 8021 725 - 771 86 - 93 62 - 69 76 - 83 79 - 86 84 - 91 23 - 30
89 1755899 7641 - 8113 732 - 778 86 - 93 62 - 69 76 - 83 79 - 86 85 - 92 23 - 30
91 1877658 7825 - 8297 746 - 793 87 - 94 63 - 70 76 - 83 80 - 87 86 - 93 23 - 30
92 1940593 7907 - 8389 753 - 800 87 - 94 63 - 70 77 - 84 80 - 87 86 - 93 23 - 30
93 2004919 7999 - 8481 759 - 807 87 - 94 63 - 70 77 - 84 80 - 87 86 - 93 23 - 30
94 2070651 8081 - 8573 766 - 814 88 - 95 63 - 70 77 - 84 81 - 88 87 - 94 23 - 30
95 2137804 8173 - 8665 774 - 822 88 - 95 63 - 70 77 - 84 81 - 88 87 - 94 23 - 30
96 2206394 8255 - 8757 780 - 829 88 - 95 64 - 71 78 - 85 81 - 88 88 - 95 23 - 30
97 2276435 8347 - 8849 787 - 836 89 - 96 64 - 71 78 - 85 82 - 89 88 - 95 23 - 30
98 2347943 8429 - 8941 793 - 843 89 - 96 64 - 71 78 - 85 82 - 89 89 - 96 23 - 30
99 2420933 8521 - 9033 800 - 850 89 - 96 64 - 71 78 - 85 82 - 89 89 - 96 23 - 30



Premium Heart, Tifa's ultimate weapon

Tifa joins the party with the Leather Glove and a Bronze Bangle equipped. The Leather Glove has minor stats, a single Materia slot, and like most of her weapons, provides a +2% critical hit rate. She can quickly replace this with the Metal Knuckle. Bronze Bangle has no Materia slots and only a minor boost to Defense.

Only a handful of Tifa's knuckles have higher-than-average stats, but those that do are exceptional. The God's Hand has 255% Accuracy, meaning Tifa will never miss. This is particularly useful when using the D.blow ability, as it largely negates the Accuracy penalty from D.blow,[note 1] allowing a near-guaranteed critical hit. Another is her ultimate weapon, the Premium Heart, which grows stronger as Tifa's Limit gauge fills; though this is an unreliable mechanic as her damage is reduced when her Limit gauge is low, at max it can become very potent. Both weapons also boost her magic power significantly.

Two of Tifa's weapons do not provide above average strength by default, but have the potential to deal damage on par with an ultimate weapon due to mechanics that stack multiplicatively. The first of these is Master Fist, whose damage output doubles for each status ailment Tifa is under while it is equipped, and outclasses several final weapons if Tifa has numerous ailments afflicting her. One way to manipulate this is by giving her the Curse Ring to give her a Death-sentence at the start of battle to benefit from the attack boost, and applying other negative statuses will stack multiplicatively. Regular battles can usually be easily won under the timer, but the player can also equip her with Odin+Added Effect in armor to immunize her against the instant death effect. When stacked multiplicatively, Master Fist can raise her power up to a point of dealing 9999 damage even at low stats or a low level.

The second is Powersoul similarly doubles in power if Tifa is near death, and quadruples in power when she is under Death-sentence. Combined, she can deal eight times normal damage, exceeding many final weapons. The Powersoul is also one of her three weapons to provide double AP growth (along with the Motor Drive and Platinum Fist), making her one of the best characters for Materia grinding. Once again, equipping her with Curse Ring allows her to start with Death-sentence, though it has an even greater boost for Powersoul than it does for Master Fist. Using the Cover Materia with another party member helps to protect her from being hit when in critical health.

Tifa can equip the female-only armor, Minerva Band. In addition to having many Materia slots and providing high-end stat boosts, Minerva Band nullifies damage from Fire, Ice, Holy, and Gravity elements.

Limit Breaks[]

FFVII Limit Break Tifa Somersault

Tifa's Limit Break Somersault.

Tifa's Limit Breaks are unlike most Final Fantasy VII characters': instead of selecting a move from a list, Tifa's Limit Breaks consist of consecutively hitting the opponent with each move adding on to the previous. The reels upgrade according to her Limit level. Each move deals physical damage to a random opponent. The Limits are selected through a slot process: Each time the reel stops at "Hit" the attack connects and does the normal damage of that attack. When the reels hit "Yeah!" damage is doubled, but each time it hits "Miss", the attack is not performed. The player stops the reel, and later skills have "Yeah!" harder to hit and surrounded by "Miss".

Her Limit allows hit to deal multiple physical hits, up to seven in a turn, all of which deal greater damage than a normal attack even after a "Hit". This makes her a capable physical attacker in the hands of a player who masters the slot mechanic, as hitting multiple "Yeah!"s can deal immense physical damage to a target. Because her ultimate weapon relies on her Limit gauge, Tifa should be performing her Limit often. The main drawback, aside from potential to miss, is that due to the 9999 damage limit, Tifa is only able to perform seven 9999 hits at best.

Tifa's Limit abilities are Beat Rush, Somersault, Waterkick, Meteodrive, Dolphin Blow, Meteor Strike, and Final Heaven. Meteodrive and Meteor Strike are based on the Meteor Strike ability from Final Fantasy VI usable by Sabin (another Monk), while the rest of her moves were originally used by her. The slot process through which her Limits are selected is similar to the Slot skill from Final Fantasy VI also. Tifa's abilities have made several appearances throughout the series beyond her appearance in Final Fantasy VII; for instance, she uses many of her Limits in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children in the battle against Loz. Several of her moves have been used for her other appearances throughout the Final Fantasy series, while others have been replicated by other characters; notably, Dolphin Blow is an ability usable by Zell from Final Fantasy VIII (also a Monk).


FFVII Tifa Deathblow

Tifa using Deathblow.

When Tifa initially joins the party, she has no Materia equipped. At this stage, her damage is weaker than that of Cloud and Barret. Thus it is a good idea to equip her with offensive Magic Materia, such as Fire, Ice, or Lightning to compensate, allowing her to still keep up.

As Tifa gains a few levels, and once she gains her second Limit, Tifa is more built towards physical damage from that point onward. She is best off equipping Command Materia that relies on her Strength stat, as Magic Materia will only reduce Strength and relies on her less useful Magic stat. Tifa also benefits from Independent Materia, especially Counter Attack, which allows her to get in more attacks against an enemy. Among useful Command Materia for her are Deathblow, which allows her to use the D.blow ability, which works extremely well with one of her later weapons, God's Hand.[note 1] As a melee attacker, Tifa can also benefit from Long Range, allowing her to remain in the back row, and hit otherwise out-of-reach targets.

FFVII Tifa Slash-All

Tifa using Slash-All.

Cover can be paired effectively with Counter Attack to allow her to counter more often and fill her Limit gauge, which is crucial to her damage. Tifa can also equip multiple Counter Attack Materia; these give her a chance to perform an attack for each Counter Attack equipped, and if mastered, this will be guaranteed and allows her to hit several times after receiving an attack. To sustain the damage, she can also make use of HP Plus, or pair the HP Absorb Support Materia with a Command Materia. Another effective Independent Materia for Tifa is Mega All, which allows her to hit all enemies with physical attacks of Command abilities.

Particularly useful Command Materia for her include Steal (which at level 2 grants the Mug for a physical attack), Deathblow, Slash-All, and Double Cut. Because she benefits from all Command Materia abilities, Tifa is a great candidate for the Master Command Materia.


As party member[]

Field model.

Tifa joins the party in "To the No. 5 Reactor," alongside Barret and Cloud, as they travel to the No. 5 Reactor to destroy it. Following this chapter, she leaves the party until "Prevent the Fall of the Plate". From then on she remains in the party lineup until the battle with Sample:H0512 where the player can choose her or Barret for the battle. She is in the party after the battle until reaching floor 70. From the Motor Ball battle on, she is a permanent optional party member up until descending into North Crater where she will become a mandatory party member. At the start of Act 3, "Turmoil", she becomes the party leader briefly before exiting the party.

Tifa returns as a regular party member in Act 4, "Decisive Battle," and remains an optional party member until the rest of the game.

As party leader[]

Tifa becomes the party leader in Act 3, "Turmoil", which occurs after Cloud temporarily leaves the party after the events at the Northern Cave. Tifa can do anything Cloud could as a party leader, but there are some dialogue changes. For example, Yuffie's dialogue changes if either Tifa or Cid are the party leaders when recruiting her in Final Fantasy VII. She calls Tifa "Boobs". Tifa can recruit Vincent or Yuffie, and do the sidequest "Homecoming of a Miserable Daughter". There are some unique lines if the player retrieves the Megalixir from a cupboard in Kalm as Tifa, or inspects the lights in the houses in Forgotten Capital.

Tifa has two unique sidequests: playing the piano in her old room in Nibelheim during the time she is leader will get an Elemental Materia, and she has a Condor War battle available during her time as leader. Due to Tifa being the first leader with control of the Highwind in "A Shocking Reunion", she is the first who can visit:

Various locations change at this point. Tifa has slightly different dialogue to Cloud, including different responses. Most of the options are the same, though in Fort Condor, Tifa will automatically help them and has no option to refuse. In addition:

With higher tier Chocobos, the player can also access the Materia Caves and the Ancient Forest. The player can access a secret waterfal cave, but the events there cannot trigger while Tifa (or Cid) is party leader.

Because the final Enemy Skill Materia can be first earned while Tifa is party leader, in an efficient playthrough this is also the earliest time to start collecting the skills to master all four Materia. If the player attempts this, they would have to have left the Wutai Pagoda sidequest incomplete to earn the missable Trine from Godo.


Two of the Gold Saucer minigames can be played by Tifa in Cloud's stead if she is in the party: Snowboarding and Chocobo Racing. She will sometimes ask Cloud if she can have a go when the player chooses to play. If Tifa and Cid are both in the party, Tifa will take precedence. Tifa and Cid are the party leaders during the time Cloud is lost, but during this time Gold Saucer is closed and Tifa and Cid can only play the games by asking Cloud.


Date mechanics[]

Round Square with Tifa

Tifa on a date with Cloud.

The party member who takes Cloud on a date during the party's second plot-related visit to Gold Saucer is decided by a hidden value in the game determined by the player's dialogue and party member choices. Depending on the player's choices, Cloud may go on a date with Aeris, Tifa, Yuffie, or even Barret.

How each character is chosen is based upon a hidden value in the game's code, which cannot be viewed without hacking. Tifa starts with the second-highest value, at 30, after Aeris, who starts with 50.

Near the end of the game, Tifa's affection value determines the scene under the Highwind; to get the more "romantic" scene, she requires a value of 50 or more.

Unique scenes[]

If the party Cloud chooses when exiting Midgar features Barret and Red XIII, Aeris and Tifa will comment on the unexpected combination.[1]

When the party first enters Costa del Sol and goes to the beach, Tifa and Aeris are found there if they are not in the current party (if they are, they will join back up with Cloud). Two guys to the left are looking to pick up girls, and if both are not in the party they will discuss which of the two they want. If one or both are in the party, the guys will comment about making do with a girl in the active party, and the guy with them not being a problem.

When talking to the parents in Zack's Home in Gongaga, if Tifa is in the party they will ask if she was the girlfriend their son wrote to them about. She will deny it, leave, and then be found in town for an additional scene. If Aeris is also in the party the question will be posed to her, but Tifa will still leave. The scene in town has an additional dialogue if Tifa's affection value is over 120.

When the party first enters Nibelheim, one member will act confused at the town's presence, while a second will question Cloud's truthfulness. If Tifa is in the party the scene is choreographed differently where Tifa and Cloud will have a back-and-forth, before the other party members have dialogue of their general confusion at the situation.

If Tifa, Cloud, or Aeris are in the party during the Wutai stolen Materia sidequest, Corneo will react to their second meeting, otherwise he will be unsure of his pursuers' identities. When Corneo threatens to drop his captives, if Aeris or Tifa are in the party he will ask them to be handed over.

In the Temple of the Ancients, if Tifa is in the party, she will frustratedly look away when Aeris asks Cait Sith for her and Cloud's compatibility.

In Nibelheim, Final Heaven, the book for Tifa's ultimate Limit Break, is obtained while she is a party member from act "Turmoil" onwards (after Cloud returns to the party following events in Mideel). Tifa must play the correct tune on the piano in her house to obtain the item.

When returning to Midgar to obtain the Premium Heart from the Item Store in Wall Market, a unique scene occurs if Tifa and Cid are in the party where Cid fixes the broken machine, while Tifa expresses concern and scolds him.[2]


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 The D.blow Accuracy with God's Hand becomes 85%.

