Tiamat is an optional boss in Final Fantasy VIII, encountered in the Clock Tower of Ultimecia Castle. It is arguably the strongest of Ultimecia's eight minions. Tiamat resembles Bahamut and uses a similar move. The Scan description indicates Tiamat was once a Guardian Force who was turned evil under Ultimecia's power.
Tiamat will begin counting down to its signature move, Dark Flare, a similar ability to Bahamut's Mega Flare that deals heavy damage regardless of the characters' Spirit stat. It is a Fire-elemental attack. The move requires five turns of charging.
In the game's American and European versions Eden can be drawn from Tiamat if the player did not draw it from Ultima Weapon earlier.
Characters can increase their elemental defense against Fire (such as by junctioningFiraga or Flare to Elem-Def-J) to reduce, nullify, or absorb damage from Dark Flare. The battle can be made extremely easy by junctioning the characters to absorb Dark Flare, as Tiamat will be unable to kill the party, Dark Flare being its only attack.
Tiamat is a Level 7 Boss Card in Triple Triad used for playing the minigame and for turning into ten Flare Stones, making it a good card to collect for card modding. Tiamat is a rare outcome of using the Card command successfully on Grendel or Hexadragon.
[view·edit·purge]Tiamat is a primordial goddess of the ocean in Mesopotamian religion. The game Dungeons & Dragons has Tiamat as a chromatic dragon, the Queen of the Evil Dragons, and as such the opposing deity to Bahamut, who is a platinum dragon and the King of Benevolent Dragons.